Body Language – Catatonic Rosenstein at William Barr Press Conference


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5 years ago

The worm turns. He appears to be a soldier who has refused a blindfold. Rosenstein must know he’s screwed and he looks it. After trying to resign awhile back, Barr made him stick around to see through the mess he created. We must enjoy these moments. I bet he’s wearing a wire now, but it’s a little too late for him. Yum. And nicely done, Mandy. It’s good to have you back,

William McGonagall
William McGonagall
5 years ago

Rosenstein looks terrified. A far cry from his “untouchable” demeanor during the Sessions era.
Look forward to seeing more characters in this disgraceful episode follow suit.

5 years ago

A BIG THANK YOU for doing this one!!! Talk about being stressed out… Rosenstein looked absolutely terrified! No, he wasn’t paying attention to Barr but, just maybe he was thinking about the victims of Arkancide and wondering where on the hit list his name might be, since things didn’t turn out the way he originally planned.

Marilla Anne
Marilla Anne
5 years ago

I kept expecting Barr to step back and bump into him. At that point, we would find out that they had replaced Rosenstein with a cardboard cutout with oddly weighted mechanical eyes.

Being so hollow and nearly flat, Rosenstein’s movement almost qualifies as the equivalent of an electrical shock when Barr described working with Rosenstein as “privilege and pleasure.”

I spent most of the announcement blah blah blah wondering what you were going to say about Rosenstein. His survival attempt certainly made him outstanding in the field.

Deanna Pardue
Deanna Pardue
5 years ago
Reply to  Marilla Anne

My granddaughter’s first comment was that both men in the back looked like cardboard. LOL

Marilla Anne
Marilla Anne
5 years ago
Reply to  Deanna Pardue

Tell your granddaughter there’s obviously a case to be made that it could be true! LoL It’s nice to know I’m keeping good company!

5 years ago

Thank you for this. I’ve had limited dealings with military veterans and encountered their “thousand yard stare”. Am I interpreting this correctly that Rosenstein’s reactions are akin to that?

Again, thank you for your videos. I find the enormously varied way in which we Humans react to be endlessly fascinating. The insights you put forward add to my understanding almost every time. I don’t think I can give you a higher compliment. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Win Nelson
Win Nelson
5 years ago

Thank you for doing this video, Mandy!

5 years ago

Ah. This is what a deer in headlights looks like.

5 years ago

I was so hoping you would analyze this bit. I’m no expert and I can see Rosenstein looking like a dead duck. This was a great example for everything you wanted to highlight in the video.

5 years ago

Rosenstein – robotic, MK-Ultra, dead soul he is. I love your body language analysis! Take care of yourself and baby… Congratulations!

5 years ago
Reply to  Endtimesgirl

Yep… that stare is very typical of that vacant glitch celebrities often experience but I think it looked like a controlled stare… almost normal but held for just that bit too long.

5 years ago

Notice how Rosenstein has a bright blue/white tie while the other two has a dark red tie. I find that very fitting as Rosenstein leans way left in my observations while the other two seem more Republican/Conservative like!

5 years ago
Reply to  BuddySteve

Interesting – in Canada, red is liberal (left) and blue is conservative (right).

5 years ago
Reply to  Endtimesgirl

It used to be that way in the US. REd was Dem and Blue as Repub. IT was switched a few years back. I believe Candace Owens taking Congress to task a week or so ago mention the big Switch. This was when that happened. NOtice the dems were Red and they are socialist, why the Rebpubs areed to that is odd. Show they were cojoined long ago. imo. Much happened after the Civil War. Lincoln was a traitor imo and destroyed the Constitution. He implemented Martial law and it is claimed it is still in effect because no President declared it void. It gave all following Presidents and the Military greater power. NOTE this and I have the research to back this up. The flags You see for sale in stores and those lapel pins etc and most on display are 3 x5 THIS IS a military flag of the US and as such means you’re under military control. The flag that fly’s over Congress and embassy’s etc is what is called a Gspec flag. This is the flag representing our country and our Constitution. Military law says if you are in a location with a military flag your are under MILITARY law (which is flown in courtrooms) however if there is a Gspec flag in the room it takes Presidence. I fly a Gpec in my front yard

5 years ago

All I could watch was rosenstein and his deadpan look. It actually crossed my mind that he must have been watching your videos….

I think there are other reports and Rosenstein has not had the privilege of reading them. Barr said this is volume 1…. what does volume 2 & 3 say?

Gen. Stewart
Gen. Stewart
5 years ago
Reply to  Cat

Volume 2&3 is just an excuse to march out two or three more KEYSTONE COPS,to try and restore confidence in the SHAMEFUL JOKE we call the FBI. What a pathetic ,disgraceful group of narcissist .

5 years ago
Reply to  Gen. Stewart

There is hope that one of those volumes will actually be a full exposure of the people behind the coup attempt!

me you
me you
5 years ago
Reply to  Cat

So you aren’t Mandi?

Gen. Stewart
Gen. Stewart
5 years ago

I busted out ,when you said “hello darkness my old friend”. Love your common sense humor ! Rosenstein ,is a booger eater ! He’s the person No One is comfortable around. Having no social skills ,what so ever,makes my skin crawl.If this was an attempt to restore confidence in the FBI,by having and bragging on Rosenstein ? It didn’t work on me ! What a pathetic excuse for a security service(FBI) ! Disgraceful ! Hope all is well with the baby. Congrats

5 years ago

I finally understand…Rosenstein is not human! =)

My guess is that Rosenstein was the first to roll on everyone. He is standing there with the enemy, as Judas to his colleagues! Seems like he has earned it!

5 years ago

Thanks for doing this one. I thoroughly enjoyed your analysis. Barr is gonna be awesome. How different things would be if he were there two years ago. I hope he trots out more of these crooks and lets the American people know how much he enjoyed working with them.

5 years ago
Reply to  Badcat

Sometimes if you go in too early you don’t manage to get to the top…. and we all want to see the top ones get caught.

5 years ago

I thought he was going to faint like grooms who lock their knees. Further in Barr mentions it’s up to Congress to decide on obstruction and you see the old Rosenstein grin at the thought some small hope the plan could still work? Rosenstein will leave now. He’s was a cooperating witness. No longer needed. Did he flip on someone and Barr gave him protection? Mmm. Will we ever know?

5 years ago
Reply to  Kd7ign

If they fired Roddy he would not have to respond to a invitation to appear before committees. So the word on the street he is being kept on so they can place him in the dock and sweat him for answers.Same reason they kept Page and secret agent man lover on the payroll. Then after they had them on record out the door. Roddy’s day better come or the word on the street I roll with. Trump is not going to have all the support he needs to win, like he did the first Time. If he does not correct this and support the rule of law, its is over and four more years will not help and only delay

5 years ago

So much subterfuge in politics. :-/ Thank you for your reading, Mandy. Wish I could tie together what it all means.

Randy Wood
Randy Wood
5 years ago

Rosenstein & the “bearded guy” look like 2 guys in a gun fight (duel) looking to see who’ll draw first! ?

5 years ago

Rod Rosenstein has the same look here that Adam Schiff has all the time.

5 years ago

Miss a little, miss a lot. Go on a serious fishing trip on the day Prunefaces’ report is released and you are behind the curve, but I did see this before I left. Right on the money, as usual. Barr- ” look you twerp- you started this cluster#uck and I am going to finish it- if you want a chance for lieniency you are going to play ball and stand behind me while I reveal the last part of the coup. God help your butt-clinching, pencil-necked ass once the start of it is revealed.” Dead inside and soon hopefully outside at the wrong end of a rope. Loved how the stiffnesss, darting beady eyes and increasing sheen of persperation on the forehead showed the rat for what he is.