As a straight man, I’d never disrespect my wife by openly checking out another woman while walking with her. I don’t care if he is gay, get your hormones in check, and don’t disrespect your “partner” (man or woman). I’m attracted to women, but I don’t go around checking out other women. It’s just disrespectful (to her and yourself).
Gen. Stewart
6 years ago
I came…I saw…My skin crawled away !
Alicia Cook
6 years ago
I was just thinking that there are a lot of couples who are not physically attracted to each other over the long term. It is about taking care of and supporting each other, ultimately I think that is what matters. They wouldn’t have a show called “I’m not attracted to my wife but I love her and care for my family because this is what I want out of life”. It’s an odd choice but, I don’t see it as being unsettling. What would anger me is if my partner didn’t tell me that he is gay and then runs off leaving me hanging with the household. At least they are honest about themselves.
I love your videos by the way. Thank you for all of your insights!
Dawn Brown
6 years ago
Wow..i couldnt handle a relationship like dad taught me to be strong so im a very strong woman but any man in my life has always been the strong one,the fixer,the rock, the one i look up to..To me, these guys are disrespectful
I guess one can say this works on an intellectual level but it does not address both partners’ needs/desire for intimacy. If the man is not physically attracted to the wife, hugs, pecks on the cheeks and cuddles can only go so far as to develop and satisfy the desire for intimacy with another human being (both husband and wife). I think this is where marriages like this will fail but it is not different than all the other pitfalls that lead to the enormous rate of failed hetero marriages.
It seems like that’s what some women actually want. They don’t want a man who physically desires them.
6 years ago
I can’t see a problem with these relationships… they are honest and trying to make it work….
remember the old days when some men married women but were closet homosexuals and those relationships lasted for decades and it was not until dad died that the kids discovered the box of secrets in the back of the wardrobe????
Men have liked men since time began but knew that the most stable form of relationship was with a woman and to have kids to carry on his name… pass on his accumulated wealth and those kids looked after him when he was old and frail.
The success of those relationships often hinged on the woman and what she was able to tolerate, control, or understand… her strength often was the glue that held the couple together…
I guess that ties in totally to what you were saying Mandy that they men look for a stronger woman to partner with their more feminine side.
You should surely judge me negatively for this comment and if you don’t it proves you’re a bad person, but I can’t help but think about playing hero to these self-sacrificing women and giving them what they know only a heterosexual man wants to give them. They deserve it, right?
6 years ago
Consider how many heterosexual marriages fail because of infidelity, betrayal of trust. Does every spouse always get everything he/she desires from the other spouse in heterosexual marriages, or are some things overlooked because overall each is happy? As long as each partner knows going out the gate what they are getting themselves into in a gay/straight marriage, I think it could work out well for both. There are different kinds of love. There are bi-sexual women. I don’t know but, maybe some men are bi-sexual, too? In any event, commitment is the key to success.
of course there are bisexual men as well as bi women
6 years ago
This one was a hoot. Those poor married women will never be able to trust their spouses. They have their handsome trophies, sperm donors and that’s about it. Trouble ahead.
6 years ago
hey mandy, thanks for helping me understand this just a little more. i have gay friends, i have no issue with that, but just wish i understood this a bit better. i think this sort of “phony family” thing is very disruptive. better for gay folken to just be gay and work that out however they do. this kind of nonsense causes disruption for children of such families, etc. just better to be honest, and be one’s own genuine self, ffs….
6 years ago
Wow, that was amazing. I am honestly more concerned with the women who sign up for this. Because see, the guys are open about it, but what are the motives of these women? What do they want to accomplish besides kids and family? I mean, no wonder you see people going completely nuts when they turn 40’s because people cannot take it too long. They’re honest, open about it, but both are tangled in auto-deception. Maybe some years of therapy may help them but no one is truly being honest with themselves. What about the kids? Sorry, that’s messed up. They should call Dr. Laura!!!
I had a friend who had been terribly sexually abused. She still wanted a husband and kids. But men were scary to her. So she married a gay man.
6 years ago
Great unbiased analysis of the body language in this. It is unfortunate that our society has made this issue such a political lightning rod instead of allowing true scientific research into sexual identity/deviance or whatever you choose to call it. When I got started inthe mental health field, they had just decided that homosexuality would no longer be classified as a mental disorder. They still have Gender Dysmorphic Disorder/ Dysphoria on the books, while the public struggles with whether or not to fully accept transgender individuals practicing their identity in locker rooms and bathrooms., and potentially infringing on the rights of others.. Until there is actual science and not politics on this the public will remain confused. I agree wholeheartedly that many people approach marriage with totally unrealistic and fantasy based assumptions.
Linda R Michaels
6 years ago
OMG it’s a Bennion!!! Those crazy Mormons who won’t let gay people be true to who they are. I personally know couples who have tried this kind of situation but there has always been a sense of sadness that grows as the years go by.
Mormons believe they can’t make it into the special Mormon heaven unless they are married and the marriage has to be between a man (Adam) and a woman (Eve) and done in a special way as taught in the special Mormon temple and the church handbook. They also believe that “families are forever” and therefor if one family member steps out of line the whole family will have to deal with the repercussions of the broken eternal family unit and their loved one is lost to them for eternity. If a person who is gay gets married to someone of the same gender they are excommunicated automatically. Children of gay parents are not allowed to be baptized into the religion or take part in any of the special ordinances in the church until they are 18 and move out of the family home and write a letter to the church denouncing their parents. So why not just leave the religion? Their eternal salvation, as they believe it to be, would be in jeopardy.
Yep, I was a conservative LDS Mormon and I know the Bennion extended family. My nephew who is gay was excommunicated for marrying the man he loved and many family members refused to go to the wedding. My dear friends from many years ago were in a marriage like this. After many years of marriage she got tired of “doggie style” and he was frustrated that the bedroom toys weren’t doing it for him any more. Mormons are not allowed to masturbate either. She cried to me in secret because she couldn’t tell anyone. When I divorced my own husband I had to cut ties with her because I wasn’t going to be Mormon any more. I have gotten myself back in counseling now though so don’t worry. I guess I felt I needed to give an insiders story.
6 years ago
“I’m not gay. Sucking cock is just a hobby”
Susan Walker
6 years ago
My ex ‘came out’ after sixteen years of marriage and three children. This story makes so much sense. He always built me up. He encouraged me to get a degree and always joked that he married the ‘babymaker and breadwinner’ even though I married him when I was sixteen and a high school drop out (single teen mom). When he decided to change things, and I refused (and had a breakdown), he walked away.
Jackie Boudreaux
6 years ago
I’m really at a loss… i’ve been watching your videos for about a year now and I am not getting any better at this. I have had a couple of situations where I couldn’t figure out for the life of me who’s telling the truth. One situation in particular the individual just got mad and flailed her arms…does that mean she’s lying?? That’s certainly not stiffness. Do innocent people get angry if they’re confronted with something they didn’t do? Anyone’s advice would be appreciated. How do I know when someone is lying to me?? Or when they’re full of sh#*??
5 years ago
Bizarre. Like living in a minefield.
Donnie Wright
5 years ago
I have a lot to contribute to this one. Most people have a lot of trouble understanding this. I am 56 years old and saw this throughout my life. I have been accused of being gay even though I have been married for 37 years. Apparently, I appear to be gay. Maybe because I have feminine mannerisms, have gay and lesbian siblings, a lesbian daughter, live on an Indian reservation, have associated with the gay lifestyle, or maybe it is because I have an open relationship with my wife. Choose one and run with it. See how far you get to the truth.
The fact IS as Bombard says in her last sentence of this video, my wife and I have become brother and sister. This is not a bad thing. We have become so accustomed to each other that little bothers us. We took our vows in front of God and a small congregation to have and hold each other until death parts us and that is exactly what we will do.
Since we married, I have had over 50 sexual partners. The balance of those being in the last 12 years when we opened our relationship. Not one of those have been same sex. My wife on the other hand and her stats in the last 12 years are similar to mine, has involved same sex encounters. She swore years ago that she held no same sex tenancies, but she proved herself wrong later on.
I do agree with Bombard in some respects. In a relationship under 5 years, this will be extremely difficult and may be doomed to failure but you never know. You can always find gold in the black sand of a river. On another level I see something that Bombard left out of this. That is the latitude it gives the female. Saying that all is fine and dandy on National TV is fake period. I’d like to see them when they are having conflicts because of this.
The clip in this video of the couple walking up the street with a jogger passing by is a prime example. Bombard claims that the woman is being strong and I agree but not for the same reason she cites. No audio but it looks to me like she is cussing him out! Rightfully so although me wife and I often point out good looking women to each other because we can without getting into trouble with each other. In some instances we have shared someone male or female we both liked. When it was a man there was no homosexual activity involved but when it was a woman, there always was. I wonder why? Hmm…
6 years ago
What as sad individual we got here… give the uh uhuh uh dance every other word haha ! Love your videos 🙂
As a straight man, I’d never disrespect my wife by openly checking out another woman while walking with her. I don’t care if he is gay, get your hormones in check, and don’t disrespect your “partner” (man or woman). I’m attracted to women, but I don’t go around checking out other women. It’s just disrespectful (to her and yourself).
I came…I saw…My skin crawled away !
I was just thinking that there are a lot of couples who are not physically attracted to each other over the long term. It is about taking care of and supporting each other, ultimately I think that is what matters. They wouldn’t have a show called “I’m not attracted to my wife but I love her and care for my family because this is what I want out of life”. It’s an odd choice but, I don’t see it as being unsettling. What would anger me is if my partner didn’t tell me that he is gay and then runs off leaving me hanging with the household. At least they are honest about themselves.
I love your videos by the way. Thank you for all of your insights!
Wow..i couldnt handle a relationship like dad taught me to be strong so im a very strong woman but any man in my life has always been the strong one,the fixer,the rock, the one i look up to..To me, these guys are disrespectful
couldn’t agree more sweetie! are you single 😉
rofl! 😀
I guess one can say this works on an intellectual level but it does not address both partners’ needs/desire for intimacy. If the man is not physically attracted to the wife, hugs, pecks on the cheeks and cuddles can only go so far as to develop and satisfy the desire for intimacy with another human being (both husband and wife). I think this is where marriages like this will fail but it is not different than all the other pitfalls that lead to the enormous rate of failed hetero marriages.
It seems like that’s what some women actually want. They don’t want a man who physically desires them.
I can’t see a problem with these relationships… they are honest and trying to make it work….
remember the old days when some men married women but were closet homosexuals and those relationships lasted for decades and it was not until dad died that the kids discovered the box of secrets in the back of the wardrobe????
Men have liked men since time began but knew that the most stable form of relationship was with a woman and to have kids to carry on his name… pass on his accumulated wealth and those kids looked after him when he was old and frail.
The success of those relationships often hinged on the woman and what she was able to tolerate, control, or understand… her strength often was the glue that held the couple together…
I guess that ties in totally to what you were saying Mandy that they men look for a stronger woman to partner with their more feminine side.
You should surely judge me negatively for this comment and if you don’t it proves you’re a bad person, but I can’t help but think about playing hero to these self-sacrificing women and giving them what they know only a heterosexual man wants to give them. They deserve it, right?
Consider how many heterosexual marriages fail because of infidelity, betrayal of trust. Does every spouse always get everything he/she desires from the other spouse in heterosexual marriages, or are some things overlooked because overall each is happy? As long as each partner knows going out the gate what they are getting themselves into in a gay/straight marriage, I think it could work out well for both. There are different kinds of love. There are bi-sexual women. I don’t know but, maybe some men are bi-sexual, too? In any event, commitment is the key to success.
Nonna, i think many forget today that marriage is a partnership and unrealistic expectations for marriage…notice our high divorce rates.
Yes, and the most unrealistic expectation of all is that one can change the other once they are married. Ha!
of course there are bisexual men as well as bi women
This one was a hoot. Those poor married women will never be able to trust their spouses. They have their handsome trophies, sperm donors and that’s about it. Trouble ahead.
hey mandy, thanks for helping me understand this just a little more. i have gay friends, i have no issue with that, but just wish i understood this a bit better. i think this sort of “phony family” thing is very disruptive. better for gay folken to just be gay and work that out however they do. this kind of nonsense causes disruption for children of such families, etc. just better to be honest, and be one’s own genuine self, ffs….
Wow, that was amazing. I am honestly more concerned with the women who sign up for this. Because see, the guys are open about it, but what are the motives of these women? What do they want to accomplish besides kids and family? I mean, no wonder you see people going completely nuts when they turn 40’s because people cannot take it too long. They’re honest, open about it, but both are tangled in auto-deception. Maybe some years of therapy may help them but no one is truly being honest with themselves. What about the kids? Sorry, that’s messed up. They should call Dr. Laura!!!
I had a friend who had been terribly sexually abused. She still wanted a husband and kids. But men were scary to her. So she married a gay man.
Great unbiased analysis of the body language in this. It is unfortunate that our society has made this issue such a political lightning rod instead of allowing true scientific research into sexual identity/deviance or whatever you choose to call it. When I got started inthe mental health field, they had just decided that homosexuality would no longer be classified as a mental disorder. They still have Gender Dysmorphic Disorder/ Dysphoria on the books, while the public struggles with whether or not to fully accept transgender individuals practicing their identity in locker rooms and bathrooms., and potentially infringing on the rights of others.. Until there is actual science and not politics on this the public will remain confused. I agree wholeheartedly that many people approach marriage with totally unrealistic and fantasy based assumptions.
OMG it’s a Bennion!!! Those crazy Mormons who won’t let gay people be true to who they are. I personally know couples who have tried this kind of situation but there has always been a sense of sadness that grows as the years go by.
Mormons believe they can’t make it into the special Mormon heaven unless they are married and the marriage has to be between a man (Adam) and a woman (Eve) and done in a special way as taught in the special Mormon temple and the church handbook. They also believe that “families are forever” and therefor if one family member steps out of line the whole family will have to deal with the repercussions of the broken eternal family unit and their loved one is lost to them for eternity. If a person who is gay gets married to someone of the same gender they are excommunicated automatically. Children of gay parents are not allowed to be baptized into the religion or take part in any of the special ordinances in the church until they are 18 and move out of the family home and write a letter to the church denouncing their parents. So why not just leave the religion? Their eternal salvation, as they believe it to be, would be in jeopardy.
Triggered a little?
Yep, I was a conservative LDS Mormon and I know the Bennion extended family. My nephew who is gay was excommunicated for marrying the man he loved and many family members refused to go to the wedding. My dear friends from many years ago were in a marriage like this. After many years of marriage she got tired of “doggie style” and he was frustrated that the bedroom toys weren’t doing it for him any more. Mormons are not allowed to masturbate either. She cried to me in secret because she couldn’t tell anyone. When I divorced my own husband I had to cut ties with her because I wasn’t going to be Mormon any more. I have gotten myself back in counseling now though so don’t worry. I guess I felt I needed to give an insiders story.
“I’m not gay. Sucking cock is just a hobby”
My ex ‘came out’ after sixteen years of marriage and three children. This story makes so much sense. He always built me up. He encouraged me to get a degree and always joked that he married the ‘babymaker and breadwinner’ even though I married him when I was sixteen and a high school drop out (single teen mom). When he decided to change things, and I refused (and had a breakdown), he walked away.
I’m really at a loss… i’ve been watching your videos for about a year now and I am not getting any better at this. I have had a couple of situations where I couldn’t figure out for the life of me who’s telling the truth. One situation in particular the individual just got mad and flailed her arms…does that mean she’s lying?? That’s certainly not stiffness. Do innocent people get angry if they’re confronted with something they didn’t do? Anyone’s advice would be appreciated. How do I know when someone is lying to me?? Or when they’re full of sh#*??
Bizarre. Like living in a minefield.
I have a lot to contribute to this one. Most people have a lot of trouble understanding this. I am 56 years old and saw this throughout my life. I have been accused of being gay even though I have been married for 37 years. Apparently, I appear to be gay. Maybe because I have feminine mannerisms, have gay and lesbian siblings, a lesbian daughter, live on an Indian reservation, have associated with the gay lifestyle, or maybe it is because I have an open relationship with my wife. Choose one and run with it. See how far you get to the truth.
The fact IS as Bombard says in her last sentence of this video, my wife and I have become brother and sister. This is not a bad thing. We have become so accustomed to each other that little bothers us. We took our vows in front of God and a small congregation to have and hold each other until death parts us and that is exactly what we will do.
Since we married, I have had over 50 sexual partners. The balance of those being in the last 12 years when we opened our relationship. Not one of those have been same sex. My wife on the other hand and her stats in the last 12 years are similar to mine, has involved same sex encounters. She swore years ago that she held no same sex tenancies, but she proved herself wrong later on.
I do agree with Bombard in some respects. In a relationship under 5 years, this will be extremely difficult and may be doomed to failure but you never know. You can always find gold in the black sand of a river. On another level I see something that Bombard left out of this. That is the latitude it gives the female. Saying that all is fine and dandy on National TV is fake period. I’d like to see them when they are having conflicts because of this.
The clip in this video of the couple walking up the street with a jogger passing by is a prime example. Bombard claims that the woman is being strong and I agree but not for the same reason she cites. No audio but it looks to me like she is cussing him out! Rightfully so although me wife and I often point out good looking women to each other because we can without getting into trouble with each other. In some instances we have shared someone male or female we both liked. When it was a man there was no homosexual activity involved but when it was a woman, there always was. I wonder why? Hmm…
What as sad individual we got here… give the uh uhuh uh dance every other word haha ! Love your videos 🙂
…. to hell and back
Interesting photo of the Obama’s. Michelle has both of her hands over President Obama’s when they are sitting together. Makes sense. She comes across as the stronger personality.