McCabe was a lifelong Republican just like John McCain was and Colin Powell is. McCabe proves that the longer one hangs in DC the more perverted one becomes. On the loose that guy is a danger to our country. What we’re also learning is how hard it is to rid ourselves of people like this. McCabe et al freaked out because they believed that the new POTUS was going to uncover their crimes and prosecute them. This was one of your most insightful, dramatic sessions.
The MSM LOVE to make a huge deal pointing out RINOs. Notice if it’s a Dem they conveniently omit the party?
Also, McCabes wife received a very large sum of money from one of HRCs very close buddies to run as a DEMOCRAT while HRC was being investigated for her emails.
The media love to point out RINOs bad behaviour but notice when it’s a democrat they forget to mention party affiliation ?
McCabes wife (DEMOCRAT) received a very large campaign contribution from one of HRCs close friends while The FBI was investigating HRC for her emails.?
His wife was a dyed in the wool Democrat who ran for office in Virginia. Do you really think this man was a “lifelong” Republican? Can a strong Republican be married to a rabid Democrat? Jim Comey’s wife is also a rabid democrat who marched on Trump’s inauguration day in a pussy hat. I live in DC and work among these people. There is no room for tolerance for anyone who supports Trump. This man, McCabe, and Comey were heroes to their wives and their wives circle of friends.
6 years ago
Trump really needs to hire you, Mandy, to help weed out the scum in the cabinet.
6 years ago
Outstanding, Mandy. Loved how you teased out the deceptive parts from the cautious and belief system parts with this practiced and highly experienced liar. I find it interesting that he is trying to make a case for it to be appropriate and legal for unelected bureaucrats to engage in a conspiratorial plot to take out a duly elected President by implying that they were concerned about his intent and beliefs. It strikes me that they are all so arrogant that the mere thought that a President would fire an FBI director (who flagrantly violated protocols with his public statements and leaks) is evidence that the President is unhinged. He is essentially confessing to a traitorous conspiracy while trying to make his case. I can’t wait to see justice served on these rats. Firing them is not enough. They are traitors as are the people they served in this. Don’t even get me started on Pelly’s softball interview. Thanks for another great one.
6 years ago
Attempted coup. This is getting to the Macbeth level.
Harry Schroeder
6 years ago
So many cross-currents. Careerism, group think, fear of being caught out in inappropriate actions, etc. However, listening to McCabe I truly believe that he had bought his own propaganda, that Trump was a clear and present danger to the state because he was unqualified and being influenced by outside forces. My major problem is the question of how people like Comey, Mueller, McCabe and Rosenstein ended up in positions of authority. They all appear to be unable to appreciate reality. Trump is a business man. His politics is strictly business. If they had gone with the flow and supported him, he would have forgiven any transgressions they committed prior to his election. He is a realist, not an idealist.
At first that seemed plausible to me. But going over everything we know, I think McCabe is just one of the those at the top who were working against Trump’s election campaign. With Bruce Ohr testifying that he warned several at the top that the dossier was unverified opposition research I firmly believe it’s simply the story they are selling. These people all knew it was made up. Page said in testimony that after 9 months of investigation they hadn’t found anything to link Trump to Russia. They had already conducted the most outrageous excuse of an investigation on HC’s unsecured server that was breached by “hostile foreign actors” several times. We know that now. That alone shows they were working to get her in. When Trump won it changed to get him out of office at all costs. All of their dirty deeds were at risk of being exposed through the new administration. I believe they felt they had nothing to lose in going this extreme. It was their Hail Mary to stay out of trouble…most likely prison. These people literally plotted a silent coup. They have committed serious crimes and they know the consequences of being caught.
What’s both outrageous and distressing is this has ALL been out in public for months, if not over a year and with the complicit Media covering for the players and doing their own gaslighting, the hatred is so strong that Social Media are rife with citizens howling for Trump administration scalps and gloating over the, “…20 indictments and plea deals. They all belong in prison, including Barron!”
These Leftists live, “By any means necessary,” so McCabe et als. treasonous actions are easily rationalized and there’s no Media to get through to the 45% who viciously hate Trump, his family and supporters. Public guillotining would be fine by a too-strong plurality. This almost is not hyperbole…
It’s going to get interesting as Bob Barr steps in. I find it highly telling that Rosenstein is stepping down in a few weeks. That’s knee slapping hilarious! That haughty, arrogant excuse of a justice seeker touted how he’d be the judge of whether he should recuse himself, and he was a white lily in all of this, by coincidence decides to resign immediately after Barr coming in…I’ve got a bridge to sell. He’s the obstructionist in this garbage. Hiding evidence and lying to Congress. Interesting to see how Mueller ends his farce of an investigation. Hopefully, Barr does the right thing all around. Not so sure as he had good things to say about Rosenstein and Mueller during confirmation hearings. Maybe he rationalized that he didn’t have the evidence of their misdeeds in front him…hopefully.
I bet that McCabe (et al) saw Trump as a clear and present danger to their freedom, having done many illegal things well before Trump landed. Another exposed gov’t rat in the age of Trump. If this keeps up, Trump may actually drain a good portion of that DC swamp. Let’s hope.
Harry Schroeder
6 years ago
95% of Washington, D.C. voted for Hillary Clinton. This is close to Soviet era voting in Russia. It takes a very strong mind to overcome that kind of environment.
A principled person shouldn’t have trouble with their convictions.It would be the foundation of their character .
6 years ago
Dan Coats may prove your suspicions to be true. Looks like he may be exiting a bit less then willingly.
If this is “it”, the crack that begins to open all other seditious acts since 2016, I am ready to see it actually happen. Listening to those around me who lived through Watergate, they say it’s the same old show and we will all be disappointed at just how little justice actually gets dolled out.
I wonder if Trey Gowdy sees the corruption now? I truly miss watching him question during committee and your breakdowns of him, probably my favorite person you’ve done a read on.
Keep it up, Mandy! Love watching and hearing those hilarious snarky comments (you say out load what I’m thinking and I love hearing you say it). ?
Isn’t it funny ,it is illegal to lie to the fbi .But not for the fbi to lie.I have faith they will get their just reward
6 years ago
As always I appreciate your analysis. Not only do we get to learn about body language but we also get insight into what’s happening with the American and world governments. Thank you for everything you do.
This is so scary on so many levels. There are so many career government workers who apparently would over throw our republic to keep their status quo. Screw the United States of America is their anthem. These people need to be prosecuted and where the hell was our Attorney General Jeff Sessions. He needs to be brought up on charges too for his own damn stupidity. This is what happens when you put a regular person into the snake pit called Washington DC. Talk about collusion. This classic collusion not to mention sedition. Our poor President Trump and our poor country.
I was a staunch supporter of Session’s,but after his treasonous performance ,i believe they have something on him. As long as he has been in politics,he’s had to have done something dirty.
I’ve always held the belief that Sessions was a leading neocon in the Senate, like Romney. When he endorsed Trump’s bid for the Presidency, the stench of a rat filled my nostrils. When Pres. Trump made him AG, I groaned and waited to see if Trump was one of “them” or if Trump would learn the hard way. At least I can now say he learned the hard way.
Rez Zircon
6 years ago
I think this ‘interview’ was rehearsed. And I’ll *bet* y’all at the FBI were stressed… no one knew who might next get outed as a rat and fired. Goodbye pension, hello prison!
Well, let’s find out which cabinet officials would support ‘removing Trump’ …. so Trump can fire them. And I think they went fishing for anti-Trump votes because only removing Trump would save their asses, once all the Obama-era malfeasance came out.
6 years ago
trump was wrong: it’s not a swamp, it’s a viper pit.
6 years ago
They are setting up Rod to be the fall guy. It’s obvious the Hillary, Obama, Podesta, etc was part of all of this and the deal that Trump must have made is will make Rod the fall guy and wrap this non sense up because if Hillary and the rest of the hooligans were indicted that would cause a wormhole of people ratting each other out and that will truly expose the American people how corrupt this country is. Rod participated for sure, cause he’s taking orders. I am sure he’s getting paid a pretty penny to be the fall guy. This is how this whole thing will go down.
My wife and I love your analyses. We’ve read many books on body language. But we would love it if you would take a video or two to show us the clusters of “tells.” Sometimes we second-guess ourselves, and are happy when you mention one of them. But we would like to know we’re on the right track when we seem to spot a cluster of “tells.” Thanks!
6 years ago
Ha! I’ll bet they were in turmoil! Gotta get rid of Trump before “his people” get in and find out what these fools had been doing to get HC elected. I’m always puzzled that so many buy into the Trump obstructionism theory with Comey’s firing. It’s ludicrous. The grandest law enforcement agency in the world is saying they would not be able to continue its investigations if the director is gone. BS! Had Comey walked out in front of a bus the FBI wouldn’t miss a beat. No difference between that and being fired. Think they’re not prepared for something like that? I wish people would use their little gray cells.
Gen. Stewart
6 years ago
These people are trained in the art of deception ! The best lie you’ll ever tell ,is a half truth.”muddy the water”. I get the impression that the book deal isn’t about money as much as it is about distancing himself from his legal problems. My blood boils at the thought of Trump’s cabinet being part of this”Act of Treason “. In any other country these people would have an expiration date !
6 years ago
It is so questionable how these guys have so much hatred for Russia. How is Russia an enemy? Maybe because Putin openly spoke against the NWO agenda in his UN speech.
Job security ! Got to have that Big Bad Boogieman ! Many years ago we were exposed to this ploy,to build patriotism. They started this in high schools,with rivalry in sports.”School against School”. It subconsciously conditions young men to protect their country”Loyalty”,by becoming willing participants for the military. It starts with the Pledge of Allegiance in Elementary school “Patriotism”….I have to say,I wholeheartedly agreed with this. How ever this is not to be confused with the subversion tactics that these Traitors employed. I respect Putin !
William Moser
6 years ago
Can you comment on Pres. Trump’s frequent tendency to sit deferentially on the front of his chair with his hands clasped. I noticed this years ago, even seated in his own jet. He does it, as well, in those photo ops with heads of state and even oppo’s like Pelosi and Schumer.
When you sit on the edge of your seat. It means that you are excited about being there and fully engaged.The legs spread apart ,is to show that you are open to what is being said. The Diamond hand shape is Confidence.
He seems to have a humility (is that the right word?) about him when he is so engaged (!)
So different from a previous (empty-suit, in my estimation) POTUS who had had the skids greased for him since college. And none of his sycophant Media or followers even recognize his entitled arrogance…
6 years ago
Mandy, I love the way you call out these lying a-holes, lol. I look forward to every video you post. Keep at ’em!
McCabe was a lifelong Republican just like John McCain was and Colin Powell is. McCabe proves that the longer one hangs in DC the more perverted one becomes. On the loose that guy is a danger to our country. What we’re also learning is how hard it is to rid ourselves of people like this. McCabe et al freaked out because they believed that the new POTUS was going to uncover their crimes and prosecute them. This was one of your most insightful, dramatic sessions.
Thank you Jimmer! submit video link is right above the video FYI
But I don’t understand what you mean by voting for this video there.
its for suggestions that you want done… thats all
The MSM LOVE to make a huge deal pointing out RINOs. Notice if it’s a Dem they conveniently omit the party?
Also, McCabes wife received a very large sum of money from one of HRCs very close buddies to run as a DEMOCRAT while HRC was being investigated for her emails.
The media love to point out RINOs bad behaviour but notice when it’s a democrat they forget to mention party affiliation ?
McCabes wife (DEMOCRAT) received a very large campaign contribution from one of HRCs close friends while The FBI was investigating HRC for her emails.?
His wife was a dyed in the wool Democrat who ran for office in Virginia. Do you really think this man was a “lifelong” Republican? Can a strong Republican be married to a rabid Democrat? Jim Comey’s wife is also a rabid democrat who marched on Trump’s inauguration day in a pussy hat. I live in DC and work among these people. There is no room for tolerance for anyone who supports Trump. This man, McCabe, and Comey were heroes to their wives and their wives circle of friends.
Trump really needs to hire you, Mandy, to help weed out the scum in the cabinet.
Outstanding, Mandy. Loved how you teased out the deceptive parts from the cautious and belief system parts with this practiced and highly experienced liar. I find it interesting that he is trying to make a case for it to be appropriate and legal for unelected bureaucrats to engage in a conspiratorial plot to take out a duly elected President by implying that they were concerned about his intent and beliefs. It strikes me that they are all so arrogant that the mere thought that a President would fire an FBI director (who flagrantly violated protocols with his public statements and leaks) is evidence that the President is unhinged. He is essentially confessing to a traitorous conspiracy while trying to make his case. I can’t wait to see justice served on these rats. Firing them is not enough. They are traitors as are the people they served in this. Don’t even get me started on Pelly’s softball interview. Thanks for another great one.
Attempted coup. This is getting to the Macbeth level.
So many cross-currents. Careerism, group think, fear of being caught out in inappropriate actions, etc. However, listening to McCabe I truly believe that he had bought his own propaganda, that Trump was a clear and present danger to the state because he was unqualified and being influenced by outside forces. My major problem is the question of how people like Comey, Mueller, McCabe and Rosenstein ended up in positions of authority. They all appear to be unable to appreciate reality. Trump is a business man. His politics is strictly business. If they had gone with the flow and supported him, he would have forgiven any transgressions they committed prior to his election. He is a realist, not an idealist.
At first that seemed plausible to me. But going over everything we know, I think McCabe is just one of the those at the top who were working against Trump’s election campaign. With Bruce Ohr testifying that he warned several at the top that the dossier was unverified opposition research I firmly believe it’s simply the story they are selling. These people all knew it was made up. Page said in testimony that after 9 months of investigation they hadn’t found anything to link Trump to Russia. They had already conducted the most outrageous excuse of an investigation on HC’s unsecured server that was breached by “hostile foreign actors” several times. We know that now. That alone shows they were working to get her in. When Trump won it changed to get him out of office at all costs. All of their dirty deeds were at risk of being exposed through the new administration. I believe they felt they had nothing to lose in going this extreme. It was their Hail Mary to stay out of trouble…most likely prison. These people literally plotted a silent coup. They have committed serious crimes and they know the consequences of being caught.
What’s both outrageous and distressing is this has ALL been out in public for months, if not over a year and with the complicit Media covering for the players and doing their own gaslighting, the hatred is so strong that Social Media are rife with citizens howling for Trump administration scalps and gloating over the, “…20 indictments and plea deals. They all belong in prison, including Barron!”
These Leftists live, “By any means necessary,” so McCabe et als. treasonous actions are easily rationalized and there’s no Media to get through to the 45% who viciously hate Trump, his family and supporters. Public guillotining would be fine by a too-strong plurality. This almost is not hyperbole…
It’s going to get interesting as Bob Barr steps in. I find it highly telling that Rosenstein is stepping down in a few weeks. That’s knee slapping hilarious! That haughty, arrogant excuse of a justice seeker touted how he’d be the judge of whether he should recuse himself, and he was a white lily in all of this, by coincidence decides to resign immediately after Barr coming in…I’ve got a bridge to sell. He’s the obstructionist in this garbage. Hiding evidence and lying to Congress. Interesting to see how Mueller ends his farce of an investigation. Hopefully, Barr does the right thing all around. Not so sure as he had good things to say about Rosenstein and Mueller during confirmation hearings. Maybe he rationalized that he didn’t have the evidence of their misdeeds in front him…hopefully.
I bet that McCabe (et al) saw Trump as a clear and present danger to their freedom, having done many illegal things well before Trump landed. Another exposed gov’t rat in the age of Trump. If this keeps up, Trump may actually drain a good portion of that DC swamp. Let’s hope.
95% of Washington, D.C. voted for Hillary Clinton. This is close to Soviet era voting in Russia. It takes a very strong mind to overcome that kind of environment.
A principled person shouldn’t have trouble with their convictions.It would be the foundation of their character .
Dan Coats may prove your suspicions to be true. Looks like he may be exiting a bit less then willingly.
If this is “it”, the crack that begins to open all other seditious acts since 2016, I am ready to see it actually happen. Listening to those around me who lived through Watergate, they say it’s the same old show and we will all be disappointed at just how little justice actually gets dolled out.
I wonder if Trey Gowdy sees the corruption now? I truly miss watching him question during committee and your breakdowns of him, probably my favorite person you’ve done a read on.
Keep it up, Mandy! Love watching and hearing those hilarious snarky comments (you say out load what I’m thinking and I love hearing you say it). ? Guess I got my answer on if he sees corruption yet. Sigh.
Isn’t it funny ,it is illegal to lie to the fbi .But not for the fbi to lie.I have faith they will get their just reward
As always I appreciate your analysis. Not only do we get to learn about body language but we also get insight into what’s happening with the American and world governments. Thank you for everything you do.
Thank you Gary!
This is so scary on so many levels. There are so many career government workers who apparently would over throw our republic to keep their status quo. Screw the United States of America is their anthem. These people need to be prosecuted and where the hell was our Attorney General Jeff Sessions. He needs to be brought up on charges too for his own damn stupidity. This is what happens when you put a regular person into the snake pit called Washington DC. Talk about collusion. This classic collusion not to mention sedition. Our poor President Trump and our poor country.
I was a staunch supporter of Session’s,but after his treasonous performance ,i believe they have something on him. As long as he has been in politics,he’s had to have done something dirty.
I’ve always held the belief that Sessions was a leading neocon in the Senate, like Romney. When he endorsed Trump’s bid for the Presidency, the stench of a rat filled my nostrils. When Pres. Trump made him AG, I groaned and waited to see if Trump was one of “them” or if Trump would learn the hard way. At least I can now say he learned the hard way.
I think this ‘interview’ was rehearsed. And I’ll *bet* y’all at the FBI were stressed… no one knew who might next get outed as a rat and fired. Goodbye pension, hello prison!
Well, let’s find out which cabinet officials would support ‘removing Trump’ …. so Trump can fire them. And I think they went fishing for anti-Trump votes because only removing Trump would save their asses, once all the Obama-era malfeasance came out.
trump was wrong: it’s not a swamp, it’s a viper pit.
They are setting up Rod to be the fall guy. It’s obvious the Hillary, Obama, Podesta, etc was part of all of this and the deal that Trump must have made is will make Rod the fall guy and wrap this non sense up because if Hillary and the rest of the hooligans were indicted that would cause a wormhole of people ratting each other out and that will truly expose the American people how corrupt this country is. Rod participated for sure, cause he’s taking orders. I am sure he’s getting paid a pretty penny to be the fall guy. This is how this whole thing will go down.
My wife and I love your analyses. We’ve read many books on body language. But we would love it if you would take a video or two to show us the clusters of “tells.” Sometimes we second-guess ourselves, and are happy when you mention one of them. But we would like to know we’re on the right track when we seem to spot a cluster of “tells.” Thanks!
Ha! I’ll bet they were in turmoil! Gotta get rid of Trump before “his people” get in and find out what these fools had been doing to get HC elected. I’m always puzzled that so many buy into the Trump obstructionism theory with Comey’s firing. It’s ludicrous. The grandest law enforcement agency in the world is saying they would not be able to continue its investigations if the director is gone. BS! Had Comey walked out in front of a bus the FBI wouldn’t miss a beat. No difference between that and being fired. Think they’re not prepared for something like that? I wish people would use their little gray cells.
These people are trained in the art of deception ! The best lie you’ll ever tell ,is a half truth.”muddy the water”. I get the impression that the book deal isn’t about money as much as it is about distancing himself from his legal problems. My blood boils at the thought of Trump’s cabinet being part of this”Act of Treason “. In any other country these people would have an expiration date !
It is so questionable how these guys have so much hatred for Russia. How is Russia an enemy? Maybe because Putin openly spoke against the NWO agenda in his UN speech.
Job security ! Got to have that Big Bad Boogieman ! Many years ago we were exposed to this ploy,to build patriotism. They started this in high schools,with rivalry in sports.”School against School”. It subconsciously conditions young men to protect their country”Loyalty”,by becoming willing participants for the military. It starts with the Pledge of Allegiance in Elementary school “Patriotism”….I have to say,I wholeheartedly agreed with this. How ever this is not to be confused with the subversion tactics that these Traitors employed. I respect Putin !
Can you comment on Pres. Trump’s frequent tendency to sit deferentially on the front of his chair with his hands clasped. I noticed this years ago, even seated in his own jet. He does it, as well, in those photo ops with heads of state and even oppo’s like Pelosi and Schumer.
Great info, thanks!
When you sit on the edge of your seat. It means that you are excited about being there and fully engaged.The legs spread apart ,is to show that you are open to what is being said. The Diamond hand shape is Confidence.
He seems to have a humility (is that the right word?) about him when he is so engaged (!)
So different from a previous (empty-suit, in my estimation) POTUS who had had the skids greased for him since college. And none of his sycophant Media or followers even recognize his entitled arrogance…
Mandy, I love the way you call out these lying a-holes, lol. I look forward to every video you post. Keep at ’em!
That was pretty nifty 😉