Body Language -Jussie Smollett Attack


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6 years ago

Members: Please remember to go vote in the Submit Video!

Cristi James
Cristi James
6 years ago
Reply to  Mandy

Where’s the link?

Kate Flack
Kate Flack
6 years ago
Reply to  Cristi James

Just go to the “submit video” button up at the top of the page and scroll the comments! Upvote the ideas you like!

Kate Flack
Kate Flack
6 years ago
Reply to  Cristi James

Just go to the “submit video” button up at the top of the page and scroll the comments! Upvote the ideas you like!

Cristi James
Cristi James
6 years ago
Reply to  Mandy

Where’s the link?

6 years ago

I actually stopped watching Empire because of him… he actually makes my skin crawl… he can’t get rid of his “I am better than all of you” smug look on his face.

6 years ago

That was great! My favorite part was the smile when he was disappointed!

Jackie Boudreaux
Jackie Boudreaux
6 years ago

If this is found to be a hoax this guy needs to do time. I’m sick of these straw men the left builds… If they cannot find enough “hate crimes” to bark about they just manufacture them.

6 years ago

Thank you for pointing out the tells! And I expect nothing less from the alphabet news “sources” than the perpetuation of this story.

6 years ago
Reply to  madvinmryk

of course…at this point we should expect nothing less

6 years ago

I’m a victim too. (sniffle) I was molested by the Loch Ness Monster.

6 years ago

Spot on analysis. The two Nigerians were released by the CPD, without any charges being brought against them, based on “new evidence”. Then, all of a sudden, Smollett, the alleged Victim, goes and hires a Defense attorney… guess who: Michael Cohen! Why would a victim need a defense attorney? The pieces are starting to fall into place.

Hot Cheese
Hot Cheese
6 years ago

Thank you for doing this! He seemed genuinely happy for moments in this interview, in other videos of it too. And it wasn’t a nervous smile. There was a moment in a different segment where he was so happy about “resisting 45” or some such, and you can tell that’s where a big part of his ego lies. His twitter “about me” states ‘I am simply here to help save the world’. So for him, lying to protect his belief system is A-O.K.

Laurel Vickoren
Laurel Vickoren
6 years ago
Reply to  Hot Cheese

“I am simply here to help save the world”? From what? Our President?
Who is he “helping”? AOC?

6 years ago

What I see: another fawning MSM interview of rotten creep biting the dust.

6 years ago

Members: Please remember to go vote in the Submit Video!

6 years ago

I think he took the police down there and just then realized, oh crap there’s a camera, they’re going to know. The smile is the remembering the relief he felt when they said no it wasn’t pointed at you.

6 years ago

Never heard of this idiot until this hit the stands,…and I sure don’t watch that network ever since they began with the lies and fake news crap,….this could disappear and WE ALL would be much happier I AM SURE.

6 years ago

The latest from Chiraq- two news sources reported a hoax. CPD contradicting them frantically in probanle attempt to avoid getting sued. Two “suspects” in custody and arrested, but CPD will not release info on charges. “Suspects” are reportedly Nigerians who have previous relationship with faker.So, let’s get this straight- black Nigerian acquaintances are mind controllrd by Donald Trump to don MAGA hats, become racist and homophobic and attack their former pal with bleach and a rope in an apparent lynching attempt yelling “this is MAGA Country!”in a Nigerian accent. Sombody wants some attention and publicity, I think. I have a MAGA hat but would not wear it in Chicago due to the risk of being gunned down by a crazed member of the Black Gangster Disciples or Four Corner Hustlers. It would be suicide.Thanks, Mandy for detecting bs as usual.

Tim Sundell
Tim Sundell
6 years ago

Bleach freezes at +18 f, it was -28 f that night.

Jacqueline Cooper
Jacqueline Cooper
6 years ago

He is not believable. Bad actor/deceiver. He obviously is needing attention as do all so called “B” listers. BLA BLA BLA!

6 years ago

Thanks, great analysis, very interesting! I was just watching this earlier: about the guy that was attacked by a mountain lion while running. You can feel and see the relief when he finishes the story of the actual attack, kind of a sigh.

Do you make anything of the closed body language with the arms? I noticed the interviewer had very closed body language, I don’t know if she was trying to mirror him, or subtly try to get a rise out of him or manipulate. What she said was not challenging, but her body language is very closed which seems like a bad strategy for an interviewer that would want a subject to be open. Unless it is some trickery to try and create some extra drama that our talking heads are so fond of.

6 years ago

I’ve heard it rumored that Empire was about to let him go. His reasoning was that if he staged a (believable) attack, they’d look like monsters and had to keep him. Plus, victim points!

6 years ago

Thank you, Mandy. As soon as I read that he went home after the attack, with the rope still around his neck, I knew something was amiss. That’s not normal behavior in that type of situation, IMHO. Figured you would suss out the truth far sooner than the CPD.

Jacob Taylor
Jacob Taylor
6 years ago

Posting in the right location

6 years ago

Can you explain what you mean about his not going to visual memory? How can you tell? Thanks!