Body Language – State Of The Union SOTU 2019


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Kevin Smith
Kevin Smith
5 years ago

Personally, I was hoping to see the Marines march in with a bag full o’zip ties….

5 years ago
Reply to  Kevin Smith

That would be good for ratings…

Gen. Stewart
Gen. Stewart
5 years ago
Reply to  Kevin Smith

Oh happy day ! I see Block parties for miles.

5 years ago

Fascinating on so many level. One of your best. The question remains: where the hell is RBG? The contrast between a strong leader and Pelosi was incredible. Her petulance was again on full display.

5 years ago
Reply to  jimmer

I’m pretty sure RBG has either passed on or is incapacitated

5 years ago
Reply to  GaryC

She just needs more baby body parts to repair the failed flesh from the other dead babies. Things are getting harder for her since restrictions placed on abortion. The liberals are trying to keep their flesh golem things alive and getting desperate. That’s why Northam wanted infanticide. The flesh is stronger and healthier.
The idea was that after the flesh golems have controlled the government, they would then meld together, grow tendrils with electrically sensitive proteins. Then they’d meld with the NSA, Google, and Facebook. They’ll then become a giant Eldritch abomination, and start to manipulate the whole of humanity with their complete government control, economic control, and information flow. Later they will enslave scientists to further expand their being, and achieve apotheosis.

5 years ago
Reply to  jimmer

nah, she’s been seen working out with her personal trainer. it IS rather likely that she’ll retire soon. prolly why the stress with the judges. they know what’s coming. amy’s gonna have a rough time. i wonder what truckload of bs they bring out against her: secret lesbian, secret roman catholic society of some sort. hard to tell.

Gen. Stewart
Gen. Stewart
5 years ago
Reply to  jimmer

Good question ! Where were the rest of the judges ? I haven’t heard the first MSM shithole ask that question. WHERE ?

5 years ago

So excited when I see your notifications pop up on my phone!

5 years ago
Reply to  Cat

Thank you CAT!!!

5 years ago

I wonder if the Justices were nervously worried that someone would ask them where Ruth is…

5 years ago
Reply to  DixieMom

They have been sworn to secrecy.

Mitzi Cole
Mitzi Cole
5 years ago

You didn’t show it, but toward the end of his speech Pelosi was looking like she needed a stiff drink.

Gen. Stewart
Gen. Stewart
5 years ago
Reply to  Mitzi Cole

Her monkey was screaming for it’s crack pipe.

5 years ago

Swalwell, Gillibrand, Harris, et al all seemed worried, dismayed and depressed. In looking past the choice pieces the msm shows, watching the entire SOTU from beginning to end, I noticed this and Mandy, you nailed it.

The dems are screwed and only a few of them know it. Schumer gave Trump the evil Strzok look because he’s being played and can’t do a damn thing about it.

I love Pres. Trump for that because for many years now, they’ve been doing just that to us and now, finally I get to see it done to them.

They are scum. Good vid, ty.

Gen. Stewart
Gen. Stewart
5 years ago
Reply to  Luxx

I pray the Lord rain’s a plague on them and their families until they change that law. They say we need open borders to replace workers because the white race isn’t reproducing .while they past a law to kill our babies ?

Marianne Rodgers
Marianne Rodgers
5 years ago

Pelosi stopped a bill that would make infanticide illegal. She is a very ugly face of death and EVIL!!!

Gen. Stewart
Gen. Stewart
5 years ago

We should shame New Yorkers 24/7 until they repent and change that abomination of a law.

5 years ago

she has a weak mind. which mean an entity like planned parent hood can control her with green on a stick

5 years ago


5 years ago

The thing that jumped out at me last night and again watching this video was how Nonna Nancy kept a watchful evil eye on her ill bred grandchildren (the white clad flunkies). She gave them signals and even chastised them from time to time. Most of them, but not all of them, looked to her for direction and followed her signals. But, the 5 year old defied her Italian grandmother, challenging her authority. Never a smart thing to do at any age…. never. Strega Nancy will make her pay a very heavy price for that display of arrogance.

On a side note, I’m pretty sure the bouncing beach ball Justice was Sotomayor.

5 years ago
Reply to  Nonna

agreed: pom pom pelosi wasn’t her usual ebullient self, like back in the obummer years. back then she rocketed right out of that seat, and waved those arms like the old miss lube rack!

Jesse Boyce
Jesse Boyce
5 years ago
Reply to  Nonna

I was actually impressed by one thing on the Nancy thing. There were two or more occasions where you could hear her group starting to boo, and she raised her hand towards them and gave a slight shake of the head, and it quickly ended before it even began.

Gen. Stewart
Gen. Stewart
5 years ago
Reply to  Nonna

A mother PIGlosi will eat it’s own.

Bonnie Hawkins
Bonnie Hawkins
5 years ago

Right on Lady.:))

5 years ago

I could watch this video all day. I love this speech and this analysis was amazing as usual Mandy. I wish you would have gotten to the part where Chucky literally made his back into a hunch because he was so uncomfortable. Thanks again!!

Jesse Boyce
Jesse Boyce
5 years ago

Two things:

1. During the speech trump gave out statistics in regards to an ICE officer that was being recognized. He gave a side-eyed look when the first number read off that made me think the stat given wasn’t right…It’s the same kind of look I make when someone is saying something that I know isn’t true but it’s not the time to correct it, or not something worth correcting for whatever reason (usually socially or politically not the right move to make). I was wondering if Bombard might be willing to comment on that read?


2. Also, and as a side note because it was a funny thought I had, starting @ 23:37 Buzz Aldrin’s expression and body language as trump said Americans would be returning to space on American rockets

“Oh God, no one knows the nightmares waiting for them out there…Something bad is coming”

5 years ago
Reply to  Jesse Boyce

To your second point, that struck me, too. My thoughts at the time were 1) that Aldrin is really old (he just turned 89 a few days ago) and maybe was having a senior moment; or, and this is off the walls but, 2) maybe the conspiracy theory that Stanley Kubrick filmed the entire moon landing in a studio somewhere and those guys never walked on the moon at all is true and that was what Aldrin’s expression was showing.

5 years ago
Reply to  Nonna

I don’t think Buzz was having a senior moment but rather he knows something the rest of us don’t. Even though he’s older now I’m certain that his going to the moon, or the faking thereof, will always be fresh in his mind. Perhaps Mandy can weigh in.

5 years ago
Reply to  GaryC

It would be great if Mandy would weigh in on that! I’d love to get her opinion.

5 years ago
Reply to  GaryC

he has a medical condition… i dont know what it is. but it gives him a lot of what looks like intestinal pain

5 years ago
Reply to  Mandy

:kiss: Thank you, Mandy.

Jesse Boyce
Jesse Boyce
5 years ago
Reply to  Mandy

Haha, thank you. I’ll stick with my make believe scenario that there’s a secret hell dimension out there that he hasn’t told anyone about…Or an evil war-like alien race that no one believed him about.

5 years ago
Reply to  Mandy

Maybe it’s the internal parasite alien he picked up while on the moon. ☺️

5 years ago

Did you notice the woman in pink on the Dems side?
I found her fascinating and would keep an eye on her in the future.

Did she move seat during the address or did the camera just not show more of her?

5 years ago
Reply to  Cat

I completely missed the woman in pink. However, I did see an article this morning on Gateway Pundit that identifies her as Kyrsten Sinema ( Rep from Arizona) and shows a video of her being given a warning by one of the white clad flunkies (Rep from NY) to “watch [her] ass” when Sinema stood up and applauded Pres. Trump for the “Right to Try” experimental drugs to treat critical illnesses law that passed last year.

5 years ago

Thanks for the breakdown Mandy.
Kavanaugh’s tension is most likely the result of being stuck in a room with cameras rolling, surrounded by the same people who just a few months ago labeled him a violent rapist and a liar. :really-angry:

5 years ago

It was hilarious at the one point in the speech when he actually got ALL the white dressed weidos to stand and applaud. He was talking about employment and the number of women in congress. It was brilliant. His smirk was like he just won a bet that he couldn’t get them all to stand and applaud and he did.

5 years ago

Could the secret be some arrests soon to come? Wishful thinking…

Gen. Stewart
Gen. Stewart
5 years ago

Hi ,mandy ! Hope all is well with the baby. Please do one on individuals and their reactions to specific comments made by Trump(kamala,Bernie,AOC and Piglosi). Kirsten Neilson looked broken hearted ? ! Something terrible has happened to her. There are two specific reactions of shock that Piglosi had. As if she knew nothing about them until Trump stated them. She put her wall of papers up between her and the President throughout the speech. She is the easiest person to read. There is many vids in this one event. This was an emotional rollercoaster for me. At times,disgust,pride in America and Trump,profound sadness about our babies. I cried like a broken hearted first love gone bad. At one point I was so angered,I imagined walking through the Democrats with a machete. I had to pray to Jesus,My Lord And Savior to keep them from stealing my joy,for what is happening for our people and country.

5 years ago
Reply to  Gen. Stewart

I of course don’t know it for a fact but I heard that the speech they gave her didn’t match his words. Causing her to be off track on her cues to her herd.

Kevin Fitzpatrick
Kevin Fitzpatrick
5 years ago

In your observation Nancy was playing with her dentures, but coming from a dairy background I recognize when a cow chewing its cud.

5 years ago

Great job saw so much I would have missed.

5 years ago

Great work as always Mandy – Thank you for covering this!!!!!!