Note: All comments in my videos are strictly my opinion.[cryptothanks]
Opinion On Recent News – Economy, Venezuela & Abortion Gov. Ralph Northam
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Most of that lingo went over my head, but what I did catch sounds ominous. :-/
Most of that lingo went over my head, but what I did catch sounds ominous. :-/
You are point on regarding a society that turns away from any moral issue. That is where we find ourselves today: afraid to confront legalized murder ( by choice) of helpless infants. May the Lord God have mercy on us, because surely we will be judged… Here is a curious paradox; When a father ends his child’s life purposefully, it is termed “murder”, but when a mother purposefully ends her unborn ( or now, delivered) child’s existance, the politically correct term is ” choice”. So it goes… Terry Florence
HELPLESS INFANTS – legalized murder? These are emotional terms. Take away the emotion and use the correct terms and look at the situation – First, some women/men are too damn lazy to use birth control and want abortion to take away their lack of responsibility. A second abortion should result in sterilization of both. they are too irresponsible to have children.
But there are cases such as rape, incest, health of the mother, deformity of the fetus that should be the ruling factor in abortions. I would NOT want to carry a fetus to term if it came from a rapist or if created by a father or brother having sex with me. Further, if a child is so deformed that he can’t survive outside the womb without tremendous care, what type of life does this child have? And health of the mother? Absolutely. The mother should NOT be sacrificed to save the fetus.
Late term abortions? Ridiculous. Todays technology can show many things about the health of a fetus. If a woman cannot make up her mind to abort the fetus inside by the second trimester, then she should carry that fetus to term and give it away. Then, get sterilized as she wouldn’t be a fit mother anyway.
“HELPLESS INFANTS – legalized murder? These are emotional terms.”
No, they are not.
It is factually legalized murder. And unborn children are literally the most helpless human life there is on this planet.
Kick a pregnant woman in her belly a few times, kill the unborn child by that and I’m pretty sure at least some judges would count that as murder.
Why should it not count as murder depending on if the so called “mother” is okay with it?
“want abortion to take away their lack of responsibility.”
So why give in to those demands? Why support degeneracy?
“But there are cases such as rape”
Kinda useless term nowadays.
Plus adds a loophole to any restriction in place, which would additionally ruin tons of lives of actually honest men on top of killing an unborn child. You can thank the feminists for all of that plus the dishonesty of such women plus even the legal state, that doesn’t want to punish women even in such cases. Throw a few of those lying women into prison for 5-10 years (rapist prison time plus let’s say 50%) and maybe just maybe some of those lies will stop.
Plus the unborn children didn’t rape anyone anyways, so why should they get murdered?
And I will tell you why – so that Planned Parenthood can sell more body parts.
“health of a fetus”
So you support child euthanasia?
And why do you trust technology blindly?
Why would you murder unborn children based on technology?
Technology makes mistakes as well.
For example JFK had an IBD. That’s a very serious and horrible chronic disease. Not curable.
Let’s say technology at some point can detect even that.
So you would be okay with murdering the unborn JFK.
You would be fine with it because I guess you would consider such a life with a chronic disease to be “not worth living”.
Quite frankly disgusting.
The fed has got to go. They have shackled the economy forever, and their bs report reflects their own policies.
Gamma male governor!
I so wish that would happen!
Trump, on more than one occasion, has mentioned the Fed. He knows the Fed is one of the big issues we face.
So did RON PAUL – he railed against it constantly!
I see NO use for the FED.
I know you are busy Mandy but just so you know we are all waiting for your input on the State of The Union address….
I am hoping I got lots right. I think I saw this is a very new way compared to last year… .. I think Pelosi held off on the grog last night to be sober for her in front of camera appearance (FYI grog = alcohol in Aussie slang)
Rhys has it… editing is the longest chore.
There are a lot of methods to detect birth defects far before the third trimester. My “EX-WIFE” had a late term abortion with out my say so behind my back. Its murder. There is a special place in hell for baby killers
Please do the Michael Jackson resurfaced 1996 deposition!
Agreed! There’s a 9+ minute video embedded in a Daily Mail article, but can only find a 3+ minute video on YouTube.
Thanks for the tip on Shadow gov Statistics. But I don’t trust any statistics coming from our government. Instead I look around and see what’s going on in my world. Since TRUMP came in, the restaurants in my city are FULL!! Folks normally don’t have money to eat out when they don’t have money and that comes from jobs. Jobs are now plentiful – signs are out all over the place. SO….we didn’t know the REAL numbers of unemployment? Do we ever?
Keep up your posts, comments, opinions, I LOVE what YOU do!
I believe you are not understanding how Guaido is deemed the legit president. It has to do with the Venezuelan constitution, how the former leader left office and how the current leader took power. Guaido was President of one of the political bodies it was his duty to step in but the current dictator president took power via an illegal/ corrupted eletion. So constitutionally Guaido is in fact the defacto president until it is sorted out and a free and corrupt free election can take place. I am paraphrasing but its not just him Saying “I am President.” He has the constitution and the backing of the government behind him. It just the guy in power now is overruling and backed by the military. IT is pretty complicated form our point of view but it makes political sense to the Venezuelans.
I believe you are not understanding that my disagreement is with Trump getting involved. That part is inappropriate. let Venezuela sort Venezuela.
Thank God France did not think this way when a rebellion against a tyrannical government was going on, by oppressed citizens, in the British Colonies so far away in the new world back in the late 1700’s huh? I say this having volunteered for no pay in the past to fight a dictator and put my life on the line to help free an oppressed and brutalized people. I respect your opinion, I just think it is wrong having seen what actually happens in a situation like that and not just viewing it on the TV. Peace
NOw this sounds interesting – no pay to put YOUR life on the line for people? Tell us more.
I 1985 I volunteered to advise and fight with the Nicaraguan Rebels known as the Contras who were fighting the communist dictator Daniel Ortega. I worked with the MISURA Indians on the Mosquito coast (East Coast) If you are interested I started a youtube channel called “The Roland Thompson Project” I am dong monologues about that and other things I have done. After working with the Contras I simply began hiring myself out. But first I needed to talk to the Feds as I was implicated in the Iran Contra Affair. Which was confusing to me because I was encouraged to go down there as a civilian by entities of the US government. Then the same government wanted to toss me in jail for 35 years for violating the Neutrality act. Go figure.
Venezuelans have NO CHOICES but to rally in the streets and protest to what end? They have no way to overthrow this illigitimate greedy man who rules the country as they don’t have guns to do so. That is why we MUST NEVER give up our rights from the Second Amendment.
i agree
Agree do not want to see another US foreign involvement. However…
Guess ? is that the concern is for millions starving in our hemisphere under Maduro that can turn into hordes invading and overwhelming other governments’ resources.
Goal being to support a stable approach to get Venezuela back on it feet before the hazard spills further over its border.
Take a look at CHINA! The “president for life,” XiJinping, is the same as Maduro. . FOLKS there cannot rally against the government or they are shot, removed and never seen again. It takes strong men and women to fight for their country like we had here when our coutnry formed, but the Chinese are raised to NOT do that. OUR kids today are being propagandized to behave like sheep just as the Chinese and North Koreans area. I have a few Chinese friends, one’s parents are major industrialists there, and they will NOT speak out against the excesses of the Chinese government as they don’t want to die. Its that simple.
I lived in China from 2003 to 2011. We do not want any part of socialism or communism here. It is a very horrible and oppressive way to try and live. You have no idea how great our bill of rights is until many of those rights are simple taken from you once you step foot on Chinese soil. Right to assemble, right to keep and bare arms, freedom of religion freedom of speech. I came back to the USA and moved to New Hampshire LIVE FREE OR DIE is the states moto and I took it real serious after all those years abroad..
Okay, I’m totally depressed. Thank you. Let’s get back to outing the good, creeps and liars.
oh Jimmer…you should be helping everyone to prepare. A prepared populist doesnt crash, it lands.
Howdy, just wanted to link drop.
I’m an engineering student currently trying to figure out what is going on in the world around me, and I recently got into economics. It is frustrating to me how such an important topic is made so…obscure. Anyway, I stumbled upon this guy Prof. Steve Keen, and he has really been helping me understand how the whole discipline works. Honestly it took me a while to make it through his lecture series on his YT, but it’s really worth it, imo. Here’s his channel:
I would maybe start with this video, esp. if you’re not big into numbers:
And if you’re up for it, watch these lecture series about the different schools of economics, why they were created, what the flaws are in each, and how these flaws result in…2008: (you can find the next vids by googling or searching through his ‘videos’ tab
So anyway, just thought I’d leave that here for anyone interested in the math behind the Fed
Thanks for the tip on Shadow Stats. Loved your opinion piece. A nice change of pace. Hmmm… as I recall somebody else decided to get rid of “undesirables”after they were born. I think it was in Europe about 80 years ago. Every generation has at least one evil to confront, some more than one. First Radical Islam, now 20-30% of our own country, who are so without morality and so selfish that they can justify and cheer infanticide. The devil is alive and tireless. Notice also how once a few started to awaken to the horrific and satanic nature of what Northam and the demons of the New York legislature and governor were advocating, somebody produced the Klan, blackface and sexual assault scandals to change the narrative. The individuals are expendable, but the true evil must be maintained and hidden from the slumbering masses at all costs.
I honestly can’t believe that our humanity is this far gone. Discussing abortion up to 24 weeks then going from there to 9 months, and now to killing a baby. It seems to me nobody cares or they are afraid to voice their opinions on this subject unless its in favor of murder. I’m so proud of our president for discussing this at the state of the union.
I’m a little more hopeful… Things can turn on a dime. Now, do we have a repentive heart as a nation? That is the question. But even so, my oma told me her experience from hyperinflation, nothing on the shelves, to stable currency, everything on the shelves over night.
The doctor seems to talk from experience. That is frightful.
I’m not sure what we need to prepare for?? Mandy, have you been listening to Alex Jones?? ?
UHHH ALEX JONES? TAKE HIM WITH A GRAIN OF SALT! GET proof of what he says before believing him!
Look, doctors are smart and know better than us because we are dumb. We have no right to question them to decide who lives and who dies. If you are old and feeble, they should be allowed to keep you comfortable as they put you down for good. Like an animal.
Doctors do NOT know better than us and many are not smart – look at all the folks who die due to doctor. Many who are old and feeble WANT to die as their lives are not worth anything. DOCS should listen to the people who want to end their lives and assist that desire.
Mandy, I’ve followed you long enough to form a proper opinion about you – I think you’re very observant and I look up to your skills. So when I found out you support Trump I was surprised. I don’t really follow politics and I’m not from States, but one thing has been made clear even for me: Trump is a liar, racist, selfish, rude, etc. My dad follows politics really intensively and explains to me how brash Trump is being.
Now, what is hard for me to understand is this. I’ve judged you to be “a good person”. And I pay close attention to good people’s opinions. So I’m confused when a good person supports a bad person. I’m open to new opinions, but Trump seems “bad”.
I’m confused. I’d like a straight answer. What makes Trump a good president? Is he really improving U.S. and its economy? Why do people suppot him? Why do you support him?
I know you’ve briefly explained Trump’s good points but I don’t really understand. I’m not a native english speaker and I’m young, maybe that’s why. Thanks for reading my comment, your videos are interesting!
its very simple, he is the reason we have our freedoms back. i know msm does not tell anyone the hell we went through with obama, but the quick is people no longer go to jail for debt, no longer have blm coming after them, no longer the irs coming after them. now there are liberal cities still acting this way. but the feds have dialed back.
Thank you for your answer. I appreciate it.
Wow! You’ve been misinformed BIG TIME! We the People of the United States support Trump because he supports us and our precious US Constitution. And no, he is NOT “a liar, racist, selfish, rude, etc.” Far from it! But, he does fight back and fights hard against those who refuse to rest until they’ve destroyed him, us, and the sovereignty of our nation.
It’s the media, especially here in my country the news tend to be on the negative side (about him). Thank you for your answer.
I think you have answered your own question…. the media… I get 10% of my news from traditional media… all the rest is from the new media or alternative news sites… Even better watch the direct video links such as the White House youtube channel so you can see exactly what was said and not some alternate version put together by main stream media.
Yes! I don’t want to blame media about everything, though, since I could’ve tried to look for positive news about him instead of just accepting the bad ones as truthful.
POST YOUR PROOF that TRUMP is a liar, racist, selfish, rude etc. Can you PROVE he is a liar? Racist? You are the one who is NOT thinking critically for NOT checking for yourself. Did your dad and YOU want HILLARY who is a PROVEN THIEF, CORRUPT CRIMINAL and greedy female who abused the classified system to be president? Do you realize that anyone else would be in prison for doing what she did with classified information? If not read up on the punishment for absuing that sytem IF so, what does that say about YOUR dad and his values? If you haven’t checked what he tells you, What does that say about YOU in not checking who and what she is?
Go read about Uranium One and the pay to play she engaged in as secretary of State and how she and her husband, BIll fly to LOLITA ISLAND where underage children are used as prostitutes? Why are they going there if not to engage in sex? To lie on the beach and bask in the sun?
You are young…so NOW is a perfect time to get started in learning to think critically and learn for yourself what is what. Your dad is “brainwashing” you. Go read LIBERAL FASCISM, or The RUSSIAN HOAX about Hillary and MEULLER who is as corrupt as she is, or CLINTON CASH FOR STARTERS.
THen take a good look at TRUMP – and look for the positives: start reading about WHO He has helped – such as the Boys and GIRLS Club in NYC, find out why many BLACK leaders praise him for his actions, etc. Then come back and say, I am learning to judge what I am told but I am checking for myself AND HERE IS MY OPINON BACKED UP BY PROOF. I will be proud of you!
Thank you for your input.
Firstly, I can’t prove that. I didn’t say it clearly, but I don’t really hate Trump, I dislike him based on what is said about him, but I’m aware that I’m lacking info. I wouldn’t call myself a trump-hater, I’m quite neutral but I was stating the image that I’ve gotten of him.
I know that I should think critically. I know that even Mandy shouldn’t be my source. I’ll work on that. And my dad isn’t brainwashing me – he’s telling me his opinion. He lets me think by myself, and lets me have my own opinion. My family is highly educated (not that it proves anything), my dad isn’t forcing his opinions on me. But obviously I listen to what he has to say. I do admit I still have a way to go.
Thank you for educating me. I certainly agree that info has to be backed with proof and real sources! It’s time to rely on myself more.
The most important thing you will ever do is to search for the truth yourself. has an astronomical list of the Presidents accomplishments. Also, begin an internet search for all your questions. If you use google, compare the results to another search engine like “duck duck go” or compare results from several search engines. If results tend to be one sided, it’s a controlled narrative. A healthy debate is one in which all sides are allowed to present their views & we’re given a chance to form our own opinions. If there’s only one view, someone is telling us what they want us to believe and pro-choice becomes a lie. Sadly, today’s world requires us to dig deep for the truth. Sources are important. He said she said is not fact based. Question the lack of sources to confirm statements. Start digging and the will to know the truth will bring it into fruition. I wish you luck!
Really good answer, I agree. Being neutral and observant is important and my queston was lacking that. Thank you.
I strongly agree with this post. I NEVER believed that Google was biased, until I got in a discussion about Trump’s wall. So, I did a Google search on “arguments for the wall.” I did not get even ONE entry that gave a reason for the wall, but, when asking for arguments FOR the wall, I got billions of hits AGAINST the wall. Like you, I discovered “duck duck go,” and was able to get some references.
Again, I NEVER knew this until about a month ago. Thanks for your post.
First, how old are you? then explain Why YOU dislike TRUMP. What PROOF do YOU have of your dad’s and YOUR opinion?
Have YOU done any research on him? Or do you listen ONLY to your father?
Here is what YOU need to do to be a “critical thinker!”
Go find out what good TRUMP had done for others and post it here. GO find out what good he is doing for this country by removing the barriers to manufacturing, trade, etc that were instituted by Obama and post it here. GO look at how wages and salaires are improving under his leadership. Get lots of others to give you the ability to compare what they say and then YOU draw YOUR OWN opinion – ok?
If you look at the opposite side of your dad’s opinion, you will find that he is “brainwashing” you into HIS opinion and NOT allowing YOU to find your own. Depending on your age, I suggest you read The Russian Hoak, Liberal Fascism, Clinton Cash, and other books that present the opposite point of view of your father. Then sit down and discuss with him how he is “brainwashed” by the MSM and by NOT having facts (not opinions) but FACTS to back up what he says. Do you know the difference betwen fact and opinion?
For example, if he wanted Hillary, ask why? She is corrupt, engaged in pay to play when Secretary of State, violated the espionage act by not securing classified information, etc. If anyone else ahd done so they would be in jail by now. Ask why she isn’t in jail for doing this? Go look up who has released or compromised the system and what happened to them? Here is an example of the double standard that is being done concerning Hillary:
She did worse than this sailor., Why shouldn’t she be in jail? What happened when she and Bill stole furniture and etc from the White House when they left? Isn’t that theft of government property?
Read, Read, Read and gather FACTS then discuss with your dad who is NOT thinking critically and making you the same. OK? Then come back and let us know your thinking! Did it change your opinion of TRUMP? And hold him to the same standards and values that YOU have. Is he really the awful person yor dad is leading you to believe?
I’m under 20, so I consider myself “young”. I dislike him based on what’s said in the media, BUT I’m aware that it isn’t enough. I don’t know much about politics and this topic was “a place to start”. I’m 100 years too early to debate with anyone on this subject.
Yes, as many people have said by now, I agree that I should think more critically and not rely on dad only. It’s just that I really don’t know much, the media is painting him black and I rarely hear anything good said about him, so this is my baseline. But I AM OPEN to new opinions and ready to change my view on any subject, so I’ll go and read a variety of sources and maybe then I can even come to like him.
Thank you for the info you provided and your input on this. I’m certain that my view on Trump will change. Maybe I can even argue with dad about this, if I gather enough info. Thank you.
In what country do you live, maalto? Below are some links to news sources for you. The media here is also very anti-Trump 24/7, which is why we have to find other sources to get at the truth, even though some of those other sources tend to be pro-Trump. I would advise against getting into an argument with your dad about it. Maybe just say something positive every once in a while. and you might want to check this funny (but, oh so true!) opinion site for a good laugh
I’m from Finland, and I’d say that over half what’s said about him here is negative. I feel like it’s a standard here to dislike him (my friends do, part of family, coworkers). I wasn’t quite ready for the passionate talk everyone gave me, haha.
More than an argument, I meant challenging dad’s knowledge about Trump, in a positive manner. Well, first I’ll gather knowledge and form my own opinion.
Thanks for links, humor is much appreciated! I’ll check them out.
How totally positive and supportive of you, Nonna. Congratulations, maalto for questioning what you have heard in the media and being open minded and listening. In the US the main media and the government have become so corrupt since the 1960’s era that they are not worthy of trust. Most people here are too busy and distracted to question what they are fed by corrupt politicians and their co-conspiritors, the media. My advice is to do your own research, don’t rely on the media, read everything, question everything, trust your judgement as you did when you realized that you trust Mandy. On your journey you will uncover things you don’t want to believe- resist the urge to engage in denial. You will be fine- the fact that you are introspective enough to question a conflict between trusted sources shows that. Mr. Trump may have flaws but he is the only one with the determination to restore order after decades of corruption and has no personal agenda in his office but that. Best wishes to you!
Maalto, I think it is wonderful at a young age that you are asking questions and researching for yourself AND have an interest in politics and world events. After being on this earth for 70 years I can tell you wihtout a doubt that Donald J. Trump is one of the best things to happen to the United States of America in a very loonnnggg time. We were headed ‘over a cliff of destruction’ in so many ways and he and his adminstration are pulling us back to safety. He is a good man, a kind man, A great strategist. He is very, very smart. He is a God fearing man but not a perfect man which we can never find.He has given us back our LIFE through much hardwork and is restoring and truly desires to Make America Great Again. He is a strong man. He speaks his mind. He does not let bad people run over him. If they hit him, he hits back. He stands up for our Country, America, which we very much needed someone to do. He has helped other countries,too, to get out from under tyranny already. He is keeping his campaign promises. He accepts no pay for being POTUS. He donates that money to charities in the the USA. He supports our law enforcement officers and our military which was not done in the past by other presidents. He is fighting human trafficking and drugs from coming into our country. He has greatly helped our economy and has increased jobs,jobs, jobs for our people. Someone suggested you go to to see hPresident Trump’s accomplishments. I agree. Lastly President Trump is not a politician and I am so glad. He is a brilliant business man which is what we need now and a brilliant strategist. He loves people, ALL PEOPLE. He is not racist. He loves his family. He loves America. He loves Israel. Unfortunately what we call FAKE News here in America paint a picture of him that is not true. They are the ones who are liars, racist and what they try to make our President out to be.
I think describing him as “a strong man who speaks his mind” is well said, because that’d explain why there’s such a variety of opinions around him. Speaking directly always causes a reaction.
I also think it’s good that he cares about his country first. I like the idea. You brought up many good points. That’s why in the beginning I thought “if people hate him so much, why was he elected? Why does a person I look up to like him?” but there were a lot of things coming up from everyone. I also highlight the fake news, I’ve just though that “legit” news sources are something I can trust, but that doesn’t seem to always apply. Well, Mandy says that often, but it’s hard to doubt something I’ve been taught to trust.
I appreciate your answer!!
The fact that you are under 20, expressed your opinion and challenged another persons point of view, (respectfully) says a lot about you. This was a healthy debate!
We are witnessing some very evil things in our world today. If you do your research, you are going to come across some things that are hard to comprehend. We’ve been living in a bubble and unware of what has been going on around us for many years. I started researching over 2 years ago and my mind is blown on a daily basis. It gets very ugly.
Be patient with your father and don’t give up on his ability to change.
Thank you! High praise!!
Yes, even though my first post was poorly made, my intention was to find out why people liked Trump and further, challenge my own and others’ values. Not to shot Trump down.
The news are so confusing, I’ve been taught to trust them and now I’m noticing really mixed signals from everywhere, so it’s tough. I want to know the truth about things!
My dad is great, he has his flaws but he isn’t a bad guy. If I told him a positive thing about Trump, he’d just ask me to prove it and if I managed to do so he’d accept it.
Thank you for understanding my point of view. This made me happy.
“I don’t really follow politics”
“I’m not from States”
“but one thing has been made clear even for me: Trump is a liar, racist, selfish, rude, etc. ”
Wait, that makes no sense.
You do not follow politics, you aren’t from the US and thus have not heard anything about Trump until I guess 2016, but somehow you just “know” that Trump – especially Trump – is a “racist”?
How would you be able to know that, when you just said that you don’t know?
Because Fake News Media told you that at some point between 2016 until now?
Plus maybe read this:
Thanks for the link! Yes, media has played a big role on my impression of him. I’m looking through different articles about him right now, for example I found out that the reason he’s building the wall is to stop human trafficing and not to keep mexicans away and be racist. He wants to keep his people safe, no matter what skin color. I was ignorant BUT I’m fixing that.
The reason my first post is so low-level is solely BECAUSE I don’t know anything about foreign politics and trusted unreliable news sources. Now I’m on a journey on finding my own opinion about this. Through logic.
EDIT: “I’m looking through different articles about him right now, for example I found out that the reason he’s building the wall is to stop human trafficing. I thought it was to keep mexicans away and be racist.” *
It’s not even just for stopping human/child (!) trafficking.
It’s also about stopping tons of drugs getting smuggled into the US as well and causing problems (to put it mildly).
He also never said anything about stopping legal migration. He is actually in favor of legal migration.
Illegal migration on the other hand is bad in all sorts of ways. For example young women are promised a better life, then get smuggled into the US and are then forced to pay off their debts by prostitution and worse things. Is stopping that bad for those illegal migrants? I would say no. It stops them from getting abused. It actually stops this mess and puts an end to it. It puts an end to this type of criminal gang behavior.
Media also quite often pretends that Trump said something like “Mexicans are animals”, where in fact he said that MS-13 gang members are animals and need to be stopped (another reason for the wall).
Just research on what MS-13 does including connections to democrats and especially the Clintons.
Trump has a twitter account for exactly this reason. So that he has a way to directly communicate with the people without anyone being able to twist his words. He also established a direct communication link to the US population through emergency broadcast (and a second one, but let’s ignore that…). Will probably get used this or next year, depending on what’s going to happen next.
And next stop is North Korea, end of this month. It’s gonna be great.
The Koreas will get re-united soon. Peace treaty (you know that officially US and North Korea are still at war with each other? And no one did a thing for centuries! In Korea basically every single family lost at least someone back then and tons of families were also split into two).
President Moon of South Korea visited Kim Jong_un last year and western mass media was very quiet about it. I couldn’t even find a single video about it on youtube back then.
Includes videos.
QUOTE: Moon’s three-day trip to North Korea’s capital is the first such visit by a South Korean leader in 11 years
QUOTE: Kim and Moon briefly stepped out of the vehicle to greet and take flowers from people in the crowds who waved flags and shouted “Motherland! Unification!”.