Video has been removed as per Invisible People’s request.
Note: All comments in my videos are strictly my opinion.[cryptothanks]
Video has been removed as per Invisible People’s request.
Note: All comments in my videos are strictly my opinion.[cryptothanks]
If you are looking for an older video. This is the place to find it.
Your message: You do not have permission to use Invisible People videos.
Please take this video down immediately
This copyright violation has been reported to YouTube
Mark Horvath
Mandy’s reply.
Well isn’t that interesting. I’ve watched some of those invisible people video’s on YT. Call me an asshole but this makes me feel like the guy making those video’s is just exploiting the homeless now.
Well stated response to being asked to take down the video. It was a great one! It’s unfortunate that they did not understand that your video brought light and compassion to the “invisible people.” I don’t think they listened to the commentary to hear that there was an extremely clear, kind and passionate relevance to their cause.
Well isn’t that interesting. I’ve watched some of those invisible people video’s on YT. Call me an asshole but this makes me feel like the guy making those video’s is just exploiting the homeless now.
Well stated response to being asked to take down the video. It was a great one! It’s unfortunate that they did not understand that your video brought light and compassion to the “invisible people.” I don’t think they listened to the commentary to hear that there was an extremely clear, kind and passionate relevance to their cause.
Oxy can go in any orifice, mouth, nose, veins. Hell you can even shove it in your ass and get high. Evil shit. My mum was prescribed it for rheumatoid arthritis in her back, within a week she was on the nod, not making any sense and sleepwalking to mention just a few of the symptoms. Doctors advice on it: ” ok we will take you off the oxy and here’s a prescription for fentanyl”. The entire health system is fucked.
I started taking her to the local public pool every day and within a month her symptoms got better, About 6 months ago i put a pool in so she could swim whenever she wants, best thing i ever did, you wouldn’t even know she has arthritis now. She runs circles around me.
Was your mom successful in getting off the fentanyl, too? It was literally the hardest thing I ever went through.
she wasn’t on it long enough to get addicted to it, she tried one patch and didn’t really feel much she said….. What was REAL hard to get her to kick was the “one arm bandit’s” but that’s a whole other story.
Grats on your recovery Kalechrus. Stay strong, one day at a time.
Your message: You do not have permission to use Invisible People videos.
Please take this video down immediately
This copyright violation has been reported to YouTube
Mark Horvath
Mandy’s reply.
I wonder where he is at in the stages of grief/dying- maybe the acceptance stage, therefore, his smile knowing he will be joining his children and family and fiance.
Thank you Mandy for this montage of the mental mind.
Thank you B!
Our instinct hard wires us for survival but, life teaches many of us that there really are worse things than dying.
I see your point. He probably is at several stages all at once because the losses that he suffered and his diagnoses occurred at different times.
Yes, even for one event, a person can go through the stages of grief/death/dying, and move back and forth through those stages at various times. I believe what we are seeing in the video is a “snapshot” of where this man is on that model. It could be what we are seeing is the aggregate of the mental state of the stages, expressed as a smile, where he is in surrender and at peace, knowing his physical, emotional and mental suffering will end.
As an Albertan and formerly part of the oil and gas industry, I can vouch for Fort McMurray being a bad place to be for those suffering from drug addiction.
There’s also a significant problem with use of hard drugs up there even by those who have gainful employment. Part of the issue has to do with the mandatory drug testing. Marijuana stays in the body for weeks on end whereas harder stuff does not. Therefore one can test clean during the week and knock back cocaine or heroin on the weekends.
Thats what makes that shit so addictive, its completely out of the body as soon as the high goes. Stands to reason why there aren’t really weed addicts, although it does exist, its a mental addiction, not a chemical addiction like barbiturates.
Why would he smile when talking about death?
Relief. God speed my friend, God speed. Your suffering is at an end.
yeah…i like that his suffering would be over. 🙁
Very interesting cross section. The dynamics of hope and support systems is very true. Never knew until visiting Vancouver that it is the homeless capital of Canada, which makes sense when you think about the climate, probably the warmest in Canada in the winter. My wife and I saw a couple who had converted shopping carts into chariots pulled by their rotweilers. Quite a sight coming down the sidewalk at you. Though there are many different stories, most of the homeless I encounter in Illinois are clearly mentally ill. In earlier times the state viewed the care and housing of these individuals as it’s responsibility. Not any more. Many are harmless, but I have also been accosted by people who were not. The local police refuse to arrest them for disorderly conduct because they will be I bonded out of the county jail before the paperwork is done. This creates a sitiation where everybody just waits until they do something bad enough to get felony charges. This has made jails and prisons the number one mental health provider in the country. Backasswards if you ask me. Though it certainly was abused in some areas, I think the old county work farm system ought to be reconsidered. Thanks for a very interesting analysis.
i had forgotten about the work farms. They were good ideas. idle minds breed mischief. There is so much we need to bring back, why on earth we quit using it, is beyond me.
“Sometimes the people who can help you don’t always look like you…” Very true and thank you for ending on a high note. (I’m still laughing)
Omgggg… How hypocritical can you get?
I looked up the “invisible people” vlog on youtube:
“The purpose of this vlog is to make the invisible visible. I hope these people and their stories connect with you and don’t let go. I hope their conversations with me will start a conversation in your circle of friends.
After you get to know someone by watching their story, please pause for a few moments and write your thoughts. By keeping this dialog open we can help a forgotten people.”
Apparently, they don’t like you sharing and commenting on their video. I wish I could have seen it now.
Can anyone shed some light on why this video was “removed as per Invisible People’s request”? So, censored right? What people censored it? Youtube? People who don’t like the body language exposed? What?
WE will have a video up about it soon
please check pinned comment
More censorship for profit, want more detail, go to the you tube channel yourself and look at the related links and donate buttons. They don’t want anyone stealing their limelight. Especially free thinking anyones…
Wouldn’t it be better to allow drug addicts access their drugs and help them get clean if they want to? It’s obvious to me that making drugs illegal hasn’t worked.
Prohibition doesn’t work and creates more crime. America proved that to the world from 1920 – 1933. Portugal made drugs legal. The world watched and waited thinking Portugal would have all of Europe’s drug addicts living there. It turns out the money spent on incarcerating the drug addicts was spend on rehabilitation. The drug problem has dramatically decreased in Portugal and rehab much less expensive than incarceration. The issue is the state makes a lot of money keeping drugs illegal.
What is it about the video that the see through people don’t want it on ?
Guy is a SJW, who had worked for huffington post…other than that,,, i dont know
OK so does this site belong to him ,if not who does this site belong to ,why i ask is that if not then he has no right to dictate what gets put on here .Right is see it is from the youtube channel mmmmm.they don’t want the whole true to reason.
Can someone please tell me why this video is has been “removed as per Invisible People’s request”, whatever that means? Looks like censorship to me. WHY?
sorry i missed this one…. it came down fast
This video was removed? Or am I just getting some kind of error?
no error, the invisible people requested it taken, video shortly
The invisible people want (them) to be invisible?
I think I understand why he smiled. I got the feeling he smiled because the losses he has suffered, the timing of the losses and his diagnoses is unbelievable. His fiance died last year, his son died “a couple of months ago” and his brother was “murdered a couple of days later.” I think he is over-whelmed by all the losses plus his diagnoses. He is experiencing several deep emotions all at once. The death of his older son also brought back the trauma of losing the 5 year old and we don’t know the circumstance of the child’s death. I think he believes that his life events are so bazaar that he wouldn’t believe someone if they told them this story yet it has happened to him. The reason why I say this is because something similar happened to me. I had a series of severe traumas very close together along with great financial difficulties which were topped off by the natural death of someone I had been dating for a few months. I actually laughed at the situation because all the events added up seemed unreal… like a over dramatized Lifetime movie that no one would think is plausible. It all sounded unreal but it was all true. I hope this makes sense.
if it was the ‘unbelievable’ mindset we would have seen smiling in other places…one smile does not back that up
Thank you for pointing this out, Mandy
The third guy with the van seems like a type of person that can give hope .
Mandy who are the invisible people that requested this video be removed?
the 501c3 representative…owner of the youtube channel
I tried to delete my question alas I was to late..
I didn’t get to see the video but did get the gist of the content – Opioids, the scourge of the USA. an effective culling programme.
Who’s “Invisible People’s” and why can they remove your videos? I hope I’m not losing you……..
We will have a video on it shortly…but its a guy who is a 5013c…and he interviews homeless people and believes fair use is a grey area
Sorry I checked them out now. I thought it was maybe something else. I do enjoy your videos and analysis and look forward to another one. Thanks……
Unlike the first few.I finally saw some that could genuinely be helped. Mandy ! Have you any advice on how to actually help someone like this ? I mean not just to give them pocket change or a cigarette,but to identify what is the root of what caused their plyte. I was going into a restaurant one day for lunch.There was a guy asking me for money. I told him to come in and I would buy lunch. He insisted I give him the money instead. I told him I wasn’t going to give him money for cigarettes,beer or drugs,but if he was hungry to come in with me. He appeared to not only be ungrateful of the gesture ,but was mad.
i dont know… partner and i were going to help homeless next year instead of the angel tree…so learning curve for all
I wonder if it’s not so much a shortage of food, because food for the homeless is relatively easy to get a hold of in my city, but of everything else. Can’t get yourself around to soup kitchens and meal outreach places if you don’t have money for the bus.
from listening to many stories…. life is unaffordable. when they do work they cant afford a place to live. which cost you money because they are robbed repeatedly and usually end up with just one set of clothes (work clothes) because they have no where secure to put their things. Bathing is also a problem, medical isnt easily assessable.