Body Language – Travis Walton Alleged UFO Abductee

Body Language - Travis Walton Alleged UFO Abductee

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Famous Realtor
Famous Realtor
6 years ago

I believe Travis had this experience. His friend Mike is also very believable.

6 years ago

I have always thought something did happen to Travis and it’s a shame the hell he (they) have been put through. Especially by “The Amazing Randi” and that ilk! Thank You Mandy and ML ❤️ Take Care and God Bless

6 years ago

Thank you for doing this one, Mandy. You’ve given me a whole new perspective. I’m certain that our Ufologist is outright lying or at least has a mission to debunk without learning facts.

6 years ago

No sound issues with headphones for me.The Bernie Sanders clone reminds me of a lot of the many individuals who came out supporting the Oswald hoax in spite of numerous indications that it could not possibly be a full explanation for the Kennedy thing. I’m leaning toward government shill or desire to sell books. If it were simply a rigid belief system, there would not be so much deceptive body language. Very interesting analysis and story.

6 years ago

Very good analysis. However, it did spawn an errant thought: Have you ever analyzed the Apollo 11 post-mission press conference? I would be interested if you thought they were being truthful or deceptive.

Michael Jones
Michael Jones
6 years ago

always believed him from the original report

6 years ago

That movie is good and freaks me out!

Bruce Hancock
Bruce Hancock
6 years ago

Well, I really enjoyed your analysis on this. And yes, I got this on Amazon Prime and watching it now. Have never seen the movie before, so is first for me. Do I believe the story? More than you know.

6 years ago

Travis participated in a ‘lie-detecctor game show’ (short lived) and flunked it. Later, he submitted to a regulated, authentic lie-detector test and passed it. As crazy as his story is I believe he believes it all happened. UFOs? I believe the whole things is ultraterrestrial, interdimensional in nature, part real, part mental. Check out John Keel’s, The Eighth Tower. It’ll rock your world.

6 years ago

The use of magnetic fields to elevate saucer shaped craft has been available for nearly 80 years.
I suspect that a great many of these I do incidents are of experimental craft being run by the government.
The effects of the extreme magnetic fields also require the use of protective insulating clothing and the total absence of ferrous materials like iron are steel.
Walton story sounds like he came across one of these and they hit him with some kind flash bang to drive him off. Instead they drove off his friends and left him unconscious. They probably kept him sedated for a few days while they made sure he wasn’t seriously injured. I’m just glad they returned him instead of making him disappear.

I’m gonna look up the name of the inventor of the magnetic flight system and I’ll try to link a YouTube video about it into a reply.

Renzo Fabriek
Renzo Fabriek
6 years ago
Reply to  Charliedude

There is one big issue I have with magnetic fight. Within our current “understanding” we need something for the magnetich field to react to. I guess this always have to be the case. That is why I always am supicious to magnetic flight. It is something else.
Ok, I am aware of the strong and weak force which aply to normal magnetic and the subatomic bonds. I’m more inclined to believe this kind of propulsion is more to the side of strong bounds. Normal magnetics takes to much energy.

6 years ago
Reply to  Renzo Fabriek
Here is one video about Otis Carr and his work in the 1950’s.

YouTube had already removed the video I was originally going to share.
The Earth has it’s own magnetic field.
This is what such devices interact with and what makes a compass work and creates the ozone layer.
Carr is not the only inventor to make this discovery. He, like all other successful inventors in this feild, had his invention taken by the government and threatened with imprisonment if he continued to create these devices.

Renzo Fabriek
Renzo Fabriek
6 years ago
Reply to  Charliedude

The numbers don’t add up. 200uF is very little energy. In a other video they mention that it was controled by the mind. No way they could have that technology.
There is something else they mention. That is the power off the mind controling the energy that shapes us. Not technology.

Renzo Fabriek
Renzo Fabriek
6 years ago
Reply to  Charliedude

There is a qoute from tesla I saw just now. This is the shorthand:
“It is al about energy, frequenty and vibration.”

Vibration is a bit confusing because we know it trough its frequency. But vibration has energy. (it manifestates in matter) Because he mentiond them sepperatly I’m inlcined to believe, also by my own understanding of physics, that it is about interference. But… interference with which other frequency?

That is the thing I mentioned in my first reply. There is something else to interact with. String theory is the closest I can mention, though I do not believe in it. It is more complex and simple at the same time. (i.e. We already know or experience it)

6 years ago
Reply to  Renzo Fabriek

Vibration is a manifestation of energy and frequency is just how often it manifests.

Tesla was an incredibly intelligent man. Whose inventions are still being used today by nearly everyone. He even invented or designed a great many things that could not even be made then. Do to metallurgical and manufacturing limitations in his time. That have since been built and are being used today. Like jet engines and lasers.
We will never know. Just what was in all of his files, that were confiscated by the government after his death.

6 years ago

I could not hear the interview but I heard your comments. That was enough to make me BELIEVER. Thank you……..

6 years ago

Watching and listening to Travis and Mike tell their side of things, I’m convinced something highly unusual really did happen. Just not sure it was an actual “alien” abduction but, it was something as terrifying. I found Mike to be the most credible. He didn’t seem to have an agenda and his words and body language were copacetic. As Travis tells his story, he seems to be credible but, the story itself is incredible and he does have an agenda (to sell books and get audiences to see his movie). Still, I believe he totally believes what he said happened. On the other hand, the “expert” (“Bernie Sanders” LOL!) seemed to have his own and stronger agenda and he wasn’t at all convincing. He probably was a government disinformation shill.

Very interesting analysis. Thanks for doing this one. Oh, and no sound issues at all on my end. Maybe the aliens are controlling who can and can’t hear the guys? (Just kidding… I think…)

6 years ago

im not getting sound issues. I will that this recording is very old. Was probably on vhs and then transferred to digital some how. So the sound has that issue to begin with.

6 years ago

Interesting… Perhaps they are among us after all.

William Johansen
William Johansen
6 years ago

Not able to watch due to a problem with the sound

6 years ago

Try again. All is fine here.

William Johansen
William Johansen
6 years ago
Reply to  GaryC

I can hear the analysis fine, when Larry and Travis talk it is just chipmunks

Famous Realtor
Famous Realtor
6 years ago

No probs with sound for me.

Linda R Michaels
Linda R Michaels
6 years ago

I met Travis in person and visited with him for a while. He is shy, painfully shy but I liked him.

6 years ago

Somehow, this video’s sound is not coming through on my device. It sounds scribbly like robot chipmunks speaking gibberish.. I hope it’s just my phone, also hope you load this video on YouTube or something.. interested to see it. You are skilled at your work. I am a fan. Have a good day!

6 years ago
Reply to  mzbeks

Just saw other chipmunk comments.. wonder why it’s doing that.

6 years ago

Liked the Video and the story. May be sometimes, I want to watch the movie. Thanks Mandy.

Birgit Michael
Birgit Michael
6 years ago

demons look like what he describes…

Robert Blake
Robert Blake
6 years ago

I watched a decently recent interview with Travis Walton and in it he had talked about how he prefered the movie to be the real story but it’s Hollywood -_- I don’t think he had much say at all on how the movie was going to turn out. In the real story he woke up on the table with the aliens around him but couldn’t make out who was around him and he thought he was in a hospital but then he eventually saw what was really in front of him he managed to get up and grab something in his area to swing at them. They tried to approach him but eventually just left, then he traveled to a different room in the ship, the opposite way the aliens had took and once in that room a human looking being with a glass helmet walked into the room, there is a little more to the story and I personally think it would have made for a better movie as well.

I believe this is what I had watched