Body Language – Steven Crowder Confronts School Bully!

Body Language - Steven Crowder Confronts School Bully!

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6 years ago

Almost as disturbing is that the school supports the creep. Another really bad hire by bad administrators. Let’s hope he gets sued into eternity …

6 years ago
Reply to  Mr No Name

I bet the majority of his class is really messed up. The best lesson for those confused kids would be for their teacher to be outed as a liar and then fired …

6 years ago

Further evidence of why no college student should go in debt to pay for the caliber of education they are likely to get in a University in 2018. I have seen his type before. On a power trip ruling over his students and promoting his elitist wisdom by demonizing non-leftists, then playing the victim role when somebody shockingly stands up to him. That was a great example of stiffness because you could see his whole body. Also a great example of the chin-up defiance. Students in the class should demand a refund.

6 years ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

you got that right !!

The human lie detector
The human lie detector
6 years ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

There are certainly a disproportionate amount of these types in academia.

I’ve spend thirty years working for a supposed cutthroat corporation and in all that time never encountered as many sociopaths as I did in my previous five years in a research lab. The term sociopath I use loosely in this context as a catch all mitt.

Without writing a whole essay I will say with that man is going to break.
Seen it so many times that it’s now a muscle memory.
One can only borrow so much from the bank of delusion before it forecloses on your sanity.

6 years ago

Mandy,…when you say “look at his face” at 09:15 in this tape,…that is the same, exact expression that Christine Blasey Ford wore many times during that farce of a testimony….such disgusting idiots have been crawling out from the garbage these days,…..

Best to you.

6 years ago

Red-Arrow-Sign man takes his job quite seriously. However, opaque tights are often best. Bwaa ha ha ha!

Scott Shell
Scott Shell
6 years ago
Reply to  VickyP

I mean he is a huge pianist…

yes like a piano…

Joe A
Joe A
6 years ago

Every time Crowder confronts these people, they turn into complete cowards and “victims”.

6 years ago

Ann Coulter got it right. Don’t waste the money to go to college in these times and definitely don’t go into debt for it. If I had school age kids today, I’d make sure they applied themselves to their studies in high school to get top grades. Then, taking Coulter’s advice, I’d tell them apply to several prestigious colleges and universities around the country and use the acceptance letters to apply for a good job and skip the dumbing down indoctrination centers. If enough people did this, then colleges and universities would go bust from the lack of money coming in and they would be forced to hire intelligent people (if they can find them anymore) to actually educate instead of dumb down and indoctrinate entire generations.

6 years ago

How much do you wanna bet this guy has no industry experience? I have a strong feeling he was a student for X number of years, then landed a job as a professor. This is a huge problem in our universities. Did a search, all I could find was his teaching history.

frank papandrea
frank papandrea
6 years ago

he will never stop, as all leftists feel they are right about every subject and any means to their end

6 years ago

The more I here Mandy talk about belief systems (combined with JBP talking about Marxism), the closer I come to understanding the the mindset of the radical left: “I don’t need to explain myself.
I am morally superior because I am willing to do whatever it takes to overthrow the corrupt world that the White patriarchy has built. And I can lie because there is no such thing as truth. All my actions will be justified when postmodernism makes our utopian fantasy a reality.”

I imagine this must be what goes through their minds.

David mcclaughry
David mcclaughry
6 years ago

this is the kind of guy that will retaliate with violence an you know he would of gotten violent if he thought his students had his back an the school probably would of let him knowing how biased the school systems are nowadays. and it blows me away to see school teachers teaching kids to go along with the pack an don’t think for themselves witch is just the opposite of what I was taught growing up it was all about be your self an respect others and country but that couldnt be any further from what im seeing from teachers today and this piece of shit teacher is what you get for o I don’t know 50, k so come on all you parents out there lets keep making these schools rich as shit an let them teach them all this bull shit im starting to think 1 year of mandatory military would get these kids out of this beautiful country for little bit an let them see what these other places are really like and maybe it would tuff n up this soft ass kids and hell we could kill 3 birds with one rock cause we could start using the kids in these countrys that need good will an maybe the us will start getting are rep back as the worlds leader in humanitarian effort instead of just bringing war. but who knows the gov can fuck anything

The human lie detector
The human lie detector
6 years ago

It’s already have an effect on Universities, in the UK there are more places than students.
The courses are filled with 70% women to 100% women, men generally are quicker to smell a turd and not go along with the peer pressure and expectations to go.
Also the total sum of mankind’s knowledge in our pockets, there’s nothing stopping anyone but themselves.
You could not pay to make me take the class in the video, no amount.

6 years ago

Glad I found you! These are great!

6 years ago

Good video Mandy.

Michael Jones
Michael Jones
6 years ago

All these people will be dealt with after the mid terms. Many will be out of a job

6 years ago
Reply to  Michael Jones

i was thinking of them being committed…ill be happy either way.

6 years ago

Actually, he kinda looks like he might have Down’s Syndrome. Maybe it’s just me.

I’m also curious how the students were responding, but we only got to see them for a split second.

Being Here
Being Here
6 years ago

Bye bye bully you’re busted.

6 years ago

I think the POS actually felt cornered.
When he was leaning against the chalkboard and Crowded started walking up to him.
He stepped away awful quick to a more central location.
Also, his position on the desk looked like he was ready to move or defend himself. With his fingertips on the edge of the desk. To be able to grasp it in any moment in order to hold on or initiate movement.

Looks like a classic bully.
He will run his mouth and push people but if someone pushes back, he runs. I fully expect him to do something vindictive.

6 years ago

I had this man as a professor, when I attended the University of Texas at Arlington. His name is Professor Charles Hermes and he received his doctorate from Florida State if I can recall correctly with a focus in Metaphysics. When I attended the University he taught a philosophical writing course, various courses in Metaphysics, and Ethics. For the five years I attended the University not once did he teach logic or express any interest in the field. So I know for a fact he’s not what he claims to be, a logic professor, or at least qualified to be one; mainly because his focus (Metaphysics) which is the exact opposite of what Logic is. He is also the student adviser for all Philosophy students that attend UTA, which I find problematic especially when his political beliefs are affecting his work. Actually funny story, the day I found out that Steven Crowder lived in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, was the day I saw this video on YouTube. I said too myself, “geez, this guy looks awfully familiar,” and it dawned on me who it was and I had a huge grin on my face after I viewed the video. It also prompted me to write not only Mr. Crowder and thanking him, but also too write a letter of concern to the University of Texas. Detailing as a former alumni of the Philosophy program at UTA, I was deeply disappointed that Mr. Hermes did not in anyway use discourse as a course of action, instead he used fallacious remarks, to be more specific; ad hominem. Which not only contradicted everything this man had taught me, but I felt ashamed that I had attended the University. I also express that the lack of security that the University provides it’s students, is appalling. And that Thank God it was only Mr. Crowder entering the building and not a crazy person with a weapon.

Also, please do not harass Mr. Hermes I only provided some basic information so that you can look him up and read anything he has published.

6 years ago

This was satisfying.

6 years ago

Wow! These remind me of kids in the 5th grade. My line is that when you have a 5th grade tantrum mentality in an adult, that becomes dangerous. Thanks for a great analysis!

6 years ago

These are brilliant little snippets that can save people from so much trouble… if you see a man like this run as fast as you can. A virtual signalling drama queen! Even his T-shirt has a warning for you!