Body Language – Brett Kavanaugh Hearing Accuser Dr Christine Blasey Ford


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6 years ago
Reply to  Mr No Name


6 years ago
Reply to  Mr No Name


Cherian Jacob
Cherian Jacob
6 years ago

I was waiting for your take on this. Seems like I am not the only thinking the same in terms of this performance. But what baffles me, is that, if it is a performance, how the hell can this be pulled off on such a stage?? How can every detail be thought through to ensure there is a response to all possible questions? Its insane. its fake…she is infact a bit looney. Those were not real tears. There were no tears. It was just bad acting. The fact that her emotions did not follow through once she finished reading her statement was extremely obvious and noticeable. How???
Your observation around her seeking some sort of approval from the committee was really good. She was looking at Diane Fienstein. The one who recommended the lawyers!

Thank you. And I hope you do one for Bret’s session.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mr No Name


6 years ago
Reply to  tom


6 years ago
Reply to  Cherian Jacob

Agree! Pointing out her looking to the ringleader of this sham is priceless!

6 years ago

I disliked her from the very moment I heard her fake voice.
I have met very troubled women that speak like she does and could never spend long with the drama queens.

For those interested go back to when she talks about the two front doors with the senator… she says as a side comment that this second one is used by Google Interns when they stay with her…. WTF???

Great job Mandy.

6 years ago
Reply to  Cat

I also loved the questioning about her traveling by plane. Thinking someone should fact check if Granny really did kick the bucket.

mike martinez
mike martinez
6 years ago

After the supposed assault she says she saw mark judge at the safeway she was with her mother she says, she said hi and he was acting weird his face went white and he avoided her. why was she saying hi to one of the guys she claims tried to rape her wouldn’t she be the one acting weird and trying not to initiate contact or maybe tell her mother, remember this was a life changing trauma in her mind. just saying..

Erika Bianco
Erika Bianco
6 years ago
Reply to  mike martinez

Or run the other way?!?

Michelle Light-Whitt
Michelle Light-Whitt
6 years ago
Reply to  mike martinez

I believe it was a combined effort, and they took Mark Judges book “wasted” and back tracked to create a storyline based on information Mark Judge provided in the book. Just a gut feeling I have. Plus these beach friends she spoke of, I believe were her fellow activists as its been said she attended that beach protest in rodondo beach ca, just one week before she sent the letter to Washington Post.

6 years ago

comment image

M. How
M. How
6 years ago
Reply to  tom

Are you comparing her to Andy Dick? If so, that’s hysterical.

6 years ago
Reply to  M. How

Party time! excellent! she perfectly mimicked everything about Garth, even his voice, his nervous tics… everything!

Gen. Stewart
Gen. Stewart
6 years ago
Reply to  tom

:XD: :crying:

Julie Rouse
Julie Rouse
6 years ago
Reply to  tom

Hahaha! That’s beautiful!

6 years ago

I had commented on a random Tweet how it would be interesting to hear what her ex-students had to say about her behavior today. Maybe they could comment, for example “that this isn’t how she normally acts.” Then someone responded that maybe her ex-students have video of her course lectures. There maybe lecture videos out there, hopefully some of her ex-students will eventually come up with something.
Awesome review.

Nathalie Chmielewski
Nathalie Chmielewski
6 years ago
Reply to  PeterP76

That would be gold

6 years ago
Reply to  PeterP76

I did read somewhere that there is a website where students can review their teachers and that she got exceedingly poor reviews, some making the comment that she was a disaster as a teacher.

Bas Wenmakers
Bas Wenmakers
6 years ago

Pretty old little liar.
She also loses her croaky voice composure from time to time. Also those little gasps are not the same gasps you get while experiencing fear. (I suffer from anxiety and PTSS and I tend to hold that air and I can’t put them neatly between each sentence).

Justin Anderson
Justin Anderson
6 years ago

I’m a big fan of the prosecutor!

6 years ago

I thought she was really good and was a great pick

6 years ago

The contrast between the questioning of Blasey Ford versus the vicious attacks of Kavannaugh by the Democrats spoke volumes. A lot of people are really turned off by the Dems. now.

Nathalie Chmielewski
Nathalie Chmielewski
6 years ago

This is deception in it’s most sophisticated purest form. Kudos Mandy. You’re the Master.

6 years ago

Been waiting for this all day! Lol

6 years ago

Thank you Mandy! You caught the perfect frame to start the video. I was thinking as I saw this defiant, arrogant pose: “Will the real Christine Blasey Ford stand up?!” Another annoying thing is when her little child-voice raises up at the end of sentences. Is she asking a question or making a statement? A lot of people speak this way these days and it comes off as immature or insecure. I don’t remember people speaking like that when I grew up. Also, what does the hair hanging in her face mean? Not a sexy look for her.
I’d love to see Project Veritas do a video on this woman.

6 years ago
Reply to  JF

Childlike voice…. that is exactly it….. turned me off immediately

6 years ago
Reply to  JF

It was exactly the same voice used by the woman who accused Roy Moore of pushing her out of the car in the dark behind the restaurant. Coached and overacted, and probably using actor’s eye irritant on the tissue to get the crying effect right. Blasey didn’t use that. Maybe they decided it was too much for this one.

Rodney Meyer
Rodney Meyer
6 years ago

The most enjoyable 26 minutes of my day! Thank you for what you do, keep up the good work!

Diana White
Diana White
6 years ago

As horrible as this is going to sound, I watched her entire performance. It makes me sick. She made the entire thing up. How can you laugh, and giggle and smile, and be joyful when you’ve been violated and so traumatized? No tissues, no, tears, no memory. BS Thank you, Mandy, for confirming what I saw. I didn’t notice her mouth opening and closing until you pointed that out. I think there is something dreadfully wrong with this woman, but it isn’t because of Kavanaugh. She got to keep her clothes on even if this happened, which I don’t believe. Her act for what happened is so overblown. It’s a hit job and her performance gave her away. But, people are not too smart, easily manipulated. Real victims of violent sexual attack don’t act like this…and your memory is easy, you don’t have to refer to notes to get your story right.

6 years ago

Who ever this narrator is, I love your voice and your wit! You should do radio if you don’t already.
I also want to point out Dr.Fords over sized glasses to make her appear small and innocent. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were newly made just for this hearing. Much the same with the long hair in her face which she is clearly not used to having there. This is to immaculate victims that are hiding from the world under the shame of their assault.

6 years ago
Reply to  MrsKitty

Her glasses irritated me, it looked like they were dirty or cloudy! No one elses looked that cloudy

6 years ago
Reply to  MrsKitty

also her glasses were dirty i’m sure that was on purpose also. anyone who wears glasses would not sit there the entire time without cleaning dirty glasses at a senate hearing being questioned. you would want to see. she also keeps peaking over the glasses in an innocent way then shrinking down.

Todd W
Todd W
6 years ago

“Daniel Greenfield reported on Monday at FrontPage that the lawyer for Christine Blasey Ford, the accuser of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, is the vice chair of the board of directors for the Project on Government Oversight (POGO), a Soros-funded “watchdog” group.

The lawyer is Debra Katz, founding partner of the Washington, D.C. firm Katz, Marshall, & Banks.

Greenfield links to a letter POGO sent to the Senate in August “demanding Kavanaugh records.” It seems like a hundred years ago, but that was the big scandal the Democrats and media were trying to create at the time (in reality, three weeks ago): a false impression that “Kavanaugh records” were being insufficiently disclosed.”

6 years ago

Brilliant analysis. I was so surprised that so many otherwise reasonable people found her credible. Obviously taken in by the pretty pose and the “uptalking” (raising the voice tone at the end of sentences) both of which simulate a child. I also thought the glasses and hair in the face were props to conceal the lack of tears during the induced quavering voice as she reacounted the alleged abuse. Having counseled hundreds and hundreds of survivors, once the emotions start to flow, they do not stop so abruptly. A pretty pose would not even be possible in that case. Thanks, Mandy-well done!

6 years ago

Thank you. It amazes me how any commentators are saying she is very creditable, perhaps the more creditable of the two. And I kept asking myself how on earth she was hired as a professor, she does not seem capable of it. Which then leads me to suppose that she cannot possibly be as dumb as she seems to be at this hearing.
It is interesting to watch her performance immediately after viewing part two of your Patreon-only commentary on the series Staircase in which a very manipulative killer is filmed being coached by a specialist in preparing witnesses for courtroom appearances. It is very interesting to imagine her having similar expert coaching. Perhaps that is why she needed extra time to prepare! After all, her story is pretty simple and it is hard to imagine why she would need extra time, even to the point of making up the demonstrably false story about being scared of flying.
I presume that as a college level professor she is used to public speaking and so should not be completely shattered at the thought of presenting her case in public and is accustomed to getting her notes together and making a presentation fairly often. Of course this is a bigger, more intimidating venue, but she comes across the way someone would if they had never faced an audience – slight amount of overacting there IMHO.
By the way the polygraph (as stated by the person who performed the test) only shows that she believes her story. So that leads me to the conclusion that she is a severely confused and disturbed person who has been coached to make a good impression.
Great comments everybody.

6 years ago

At approximately 2:25 Ford is shown a map and asked “would it be fair to assume that somebody drove you somewhere, either to the party or home from the party?” Her eyes go sharply to the questioner’s, her gaze freezes, and her body goes still. The questioner continues, “Has anyone come forward to say, ‘Hey, remember? I was the one that drove you home.’ ” She answers no in a smaller voice. I was watching it in another video with the speed set to 2x to get through it faster, and noticed that in the pause after her answer, she trembles. You can see her hair shaking with the tremble at the faster video speed. As the questioner ask the next question about a July 6 text, she breaks eye contact, looks down, and begins shuffling papers to compose herself. She continues looking down and shuffling as the next question is asked. She fusses with her glasses and hair and responds twice with a very high, soft um-hmm in the smaller voice as she listens but she doesn’t look up. Something about that question hit a mark, and her answer was a lie.

6 years ago

SHARED with deep respect!

6 years ago

I didn’t even need to hear your comment, I could tell it was an obvious acting job in the first 30seconds. And that little “frightened small me voice” I just couldn’t stomach anymore. There should be a law against anyone stupid enough to buy into this fantasy of hers.