Body Language – David Katz, Jacksonville, Florida Shooter

Body Language - David Katz, Jacksonville, Florida Shooter

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6 years ago

We have a mass maturity problem. Well said; a generation of emotional retarded people thanks to our schools and messed up social manipulators. This gamer was being bested, didn’t like it and started shooting.
Your analysis picks are always interesting and thought provoking.

6 years ago

Remember, since the 1980s (yep I taught as well in the 70s, right before all the looney reform.) “all students are winners,” no student is allowed to fail, we keep giving tests until they pass, if a student is belligerent, we don’t call it what it is – tantrums – no. We rename the tantrum as some kind of “condition,” there are no true consequences for any out of control behavior, there is no such thing as expelling a student. So when they get out in the real world, they have NO strategies to deal with losing, rejection, criticism (not all criticism is bad), rules, limits. This is what you get.

6 years ago

My boy on the spectrum gives me better eye contact than this….. you force your boys from a very young age to look you in the eye whilst talking to you…. it is teaching respect and manners and confidence…..
It makes me wonder why a young fit person, picked for a school team, and going out and socialising can’t stand and talk with his head high??? Well not really

Something has really gone awry in America, it is nation wide and involves your kids. And it is NOT a gun ptoblem but an anger problem….. just look at antifa!

Makes you want to homeschool your kids

Piri Gal
6 years ago
Reply to  Cat

Not just American children, New Zealand too.

6 years ago
Reply to  Piri Gal

You are correct…. ALL western countries have a problem with their younger generation and it is just by degrees that marks the difference.
Australia is pretty lucky right now because people are trying to fix it right now so we have a tiny chance to steer it into a better direction.

And for trolls that come past…. yes I am generalizing, not ALL our children have been corrupted…..

Renzo Fabriek
Renzo Fabriek
6 years ago
Reply to  Cat

Antifa is a case on its own and their roots goes way back to the sixties/seventies. Nowdays they are highly organized. In the 70s/80s we had “krakers rellen”(1) in the netherlands. The same kind off group/people and semi organized. They know the law and make use of it. They _have_ to control their anger and let the other one give the first punch. Yes, then hell breaks loose.

Of course there is more to it and you are partialy right. I see differences with what I just said. A great cause lies in the culture. I’m sure that this guy always had been treated as “different”. Gaming was probably his “escape”. When that also breaks down…. I think it already broke down and he experienced the same as in the past. That is why he brought the gun.

Think of it. When interviewed he knew he might not live to the end of the tournament.

1) “kraken” is occuping a building or house when it vaccant for a period off time. It was done as a demonstration tool for shortage on housing. It forces investors to do something with the propperty. Not long ago it became illegal after it became more infected with the wrong people.

6 years ago
Reply to  Cat

What do you propose?

Renzo Fabriek
Renzo Fabriek
6 years ago

Hollow and distand eyes. I see also see that in his body attitude. His mind isn’t realy there. This makes me wonder more why he did bring a gun.

6 years ago
Reply to  Renzo Fabriek

My observations also!

6 years ago

Wow, one day I’m going to get famous for something and Bombard is going to analyse something I’ve said and say ‘look, male sexy pose’.

And I’m going to squirm.

6 years ago
Reply to  J W

You don’t need to be famous… just record yourself and send it through.

Piri Gal
6 years ago

I work with children and teens with autism and 0:13 look is a really typical one, maybe it is to do with lack of social skills and low self-esteem, also it seems to me, that he is focused on the interviewer’s lips and not so much eye contact? Fascinating. Thank you, I really enjoy your videos.

6 years ago
Reply to  Piri Gal

I agree with the lack of social skills.
Even if he is on the spectrum I would not think that gives a reason for the actions. As my son says…. I don’t feel the desire to kill people…
Not in this case but often It seems to me media are indicating that autistic people are prone to murder just like they suggest schizophrenics or bipolar people are.
Maybe the mass murderers are just sociopathic?

Thank you for working with kids on the spectrum!

6 years ago
Reply to  Cat

I spent about the last 25 years of my career working with kids on the spectrum. I observed over the years that there seems to be a tiny subset of them (only saw 4 out of thousands) that seem to have the spectrum traits, along with a comorbid sociopathic type of personality disorder along with intense anger (not just tantrums), and violence obsession. Sadly I think all kids on the spectrum are being stigmatized by the actions of a few and the irresponsible reporting of the rabid media, who seldom know what they are talking about regarding mental health issues. Glad to hear your son is doing well. I also agree with many comments about social maturity levels of kids in general being impaired by helicopter parenting and the” everybody gets a trophy”philosophy.

6 years ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

My kids got those stupid participation ribbons….. their care factor was zero and were thrown in the bin…. such a proud moment… ☺

They were never recognised for their academic achievements…..

6 years ago
Reply to  Cat

My last couple of years, I had to fill in some classes as a P.E. teacher for a couple of classes, due to family leave of the regular teacher. In trying to play games that had a winner and a loser, it became immediately apparent that the kids had never been taught or learned to display good sportsmanship- how to win or lose gracefully, and treat one another with respect in a competetive situation. I really believe that this lack of learning is at the root of a lot of the intolerance of differences we now see on college campuses.

6 years ago

This interview is from 2 years ago not the day before….

6 years ago

This was actually taken from the championship last year where he won the whole thing. There is a really good article on NPR about his mental health. He was on antipsychotics when he was 17 and hospitalized at least twice for suicide precautions. His mom and dad were getting a divorce and there’s lots of reported info on his behavior and health.twice

He was 24. I don’t think he was trying to be sexy. I think he was just plain mentally ill.

6 years ago
Reply to  Jenmarie

Maybe not sexy but definitely the selfie pose.

Renzo Fabriek
Renzo Fabriek
6 years ago
Reply to  Jenmarie

thanks for the info. So he was defending his title. Then I wonder again about bringing the gun and his intention. I think I will check that article.

You can see in his eyes that there something is realy wrong. As I said Hollow and distand. For the pose I have to see how his head is looking forward.

John Knoefler
John Knoefler
6 years ago

You’re totally wrong. He was mentally ill. He had been to see a psychiatrist and had taken medications.

Morten Rolland
Morten Rolland
6 years ago
Reply to  John Knoefler

“Totally wrong” misses the ball. I think the problem is a bit more complex than him just being mentally ill. After all, you can be mentally ill and not choose to shoot up people. You can be mentally ill and not wish ill unto others over a game or whatever. There are plenty of people with mental health issues or neurological abnormalities, that function just fine as happy, social and productive members of society, because they were brought up right and were provided the right set of tools to deal with the world around them. David Katz clearly wasn’t.

So to the point: Yes, he was a mentally ill and on drugs (and I wouldn’t be surprised if he was off his drugs before the shooting), but he was also immature, lacked empathy or any substitute for empathy, and basically was a socially retarded person. The mental illness likely lies at the foundation, but for all we know, his mental health issues could be too late to resolve in his teens. He may have been born into them and stuck with them for life. Whatever. You can’t fix that. But you can do something about the tools you’re provided and taught throughout your upbringing. Sadly, his social, intellectual and mental maturity were probably painfully underdeveloped throughout his teenage years, leaving him absolutely helpless in dealing with the world and the hormonal chaos going on inside his puberty ridden body … and gaming may have been his temporary escape from everything, until he could escape no more.

6 years ago

I can’t believe this “sport” is taken seriously enough that television interviews are conducted! Maybe this feeds into these weak, but bloated egos.

6 years ago
Reply to  VickyP

My kids are gamers.
One has travelled the world because of the game he plays visiting conventions.
This year he is going to Vegas!

In fact he was flown to Iceland via Emirates for free thanks to his moderation and game management behind the scenes.

Some if those tournaments have HUGE numbers.

If you look at the millions of people that watch Esports this guy is a rarity. For the media to make an issue of it shows their lack of investigative skills.

Gaming actually teaches kids how to lose and lose gracefully because you will be trolled and blocked for bad behaviour and noone will play with you.

6 years ago
Reply to  VickyP

I once said to my mother when I was younger that I was getting bored of games and she said to me ‘yeah, it’s not real life is it’. Definitely hit the right spot. Stopped games when I was about 14.

6 years ago

David Katz had 26 police callouts to his home, took anti-psychotic drugs and was hospitalized TWICE for mental health and was on anti-psychotic drugs, which are often known to cause violent behavior. It goes deeper than emotional retardation.

Andy Sanghera
Andy Sanghera
6 years ago

Anti depressant use is a common thread in all these kid shootings

David Claus
David Claus
6 years ago

I love you Mandy ! You are exceedingly wise and hilarious!!!! I’ve learned a lot from you, THANK YOU for being you!

6 years ago

Well done Mandy. You are exactly right, the world has a maturity problem,…a social learning problem and we need to address and better educate our youth today,…not to mention a bus load of adults. It all begins at home. Thank you for this. Best to you!

Renzo Fabriek
Renzo Fabriek
6 years ago
Reply to  EvansMediaUSA

It is my generation which started the big education problems. At school I noticed the lack of interest in learning and a dislike off seriousness. Also the time that the amount off divorces rises.

For the last I have a hypothesis. In the sixtieswe got more freedom. Less social presure and control. More free to choose your partner. But you have learn how to deal with freedom so much mistakes/misjudgements were made. In a nutshell.

6 years ago

What is this “spectrum” I keep hearing about? On the spectrum of what?

Seth Templeton
Seth Templeton
6 years ago

The interview certainly was not the day before, I attended the Jacksonville tournament, I left 30 sec-1 min before the shooting happen. This particular interview took place during the Madden 17* Buffalo Bills club series event, which would have been two years ago, the event where the shooting took place was a Madden 19 tournament. You can see a Madden 17* board behind the interviewer.

6 years ago

I beg to defer! Anyone who goes and shoots up people because he lost or didn’t think it was fair is a mentally ill person! He might not have shown it here in this video but he definitely had some issues going on there!

6 years ago

He’s VERY selfish! To kill other people and then kill himself? You can’t get much more selfish than that!!! Thank God he’s dead now! God will take care of him and I don’t mean in a good way! 🙂

6 years ago

The wisdom of not letting young/immature people in to position of power came from the Bible not the forefathers. But I give the, credit for using it because today it exposes the bull crap of separating church and state. 1 Tim. 3:6