Body Language – Tommy Robinson PTSD On Tucker Carlson

Body Language - Tommy Robinson PTSD On Tucker Carlson

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Alana Ronald
Alana Ronald
6 years ago

Thanks for doing this: important you caught that look on his face where he relives what happened when prisoners put feces & spit through his window & he had to close his only window in an intense heat wave. Tommy is a hero, Ezra Levant generously paid for his legal defense & I suspect, the body guard in the red shirt who escorted him from prison safely. Also, to be clear, he didn’t eat any prison food as the Muslim prisoners cook it & he was afraid of being poisoned or eating their excrement & urine.

Tommy, is, I repeat, a hero, & I understand he & his family are on a bit of a holiday in the UK to help them in this sensitive time. Thanks, Mandy.

Paula Patio
Paula Patio
6 years ago
Reply to  Alana Ronald

I couldn’t have said it any better. 🙂 Well said! 🙂

6 years ago
Reply to  Alana Ronald

Good reply!

6 years ago

This man is a giant, a courageous hero. God bless you Tommy, we love you and are so glad you are free.stay safe. <3 Thanks Mandy.

6 years ago

I cried when I watched that interview.
I too saw the PTSD and when he tells the part about hearing of threats against his family while in jail in another interview you can see the extreme distress.

They used his families vulnerability without their protector as a threat. If Tommy chooses to protect his family over his fight against the Sharia takeover of England I certainly would not judge him.

6 years ago
Reply to  Cat

If the UK elite have all been brownstoned by muslims, Tommy should get the heck out of there posthaste.

I Have
I Have
6 years ago

This is one of the bullets we dodged by not electing hillary.

6 years ago
Reply to  I Have

He’s quite a lesson for the world and you are correct, we’re lucky Trump ran and won.

6 years ago
Reply to  I Have

so true, thank god for trump

6 years ago

Thanks for this Mandy . Indeed the government is trying to teach Tommy a lesson.
Hopefully they have taught us, the British public, another kind of lesson – about our vile government – and we will now do something about it. –

6 years ago
Reply to  sylvanmoir

I hope you do…

6 years ago

“They’ll get you even if you behave” It’s true and that is VERY scary.

6 years ago

Thank you so much for this video Mandy. My heart breaks for Tommy and I pray for his safety every day. I really wish that President Trump would offer him refuge in America. He will never quit fighting, but it would be a bit safer for him and his family from across the pond. He is receiving threats now that his family will be attacked with acid. Animals!

6 years ago
Reply to  JF

Good idea. He should at least come here and talk about what is happening in the UK. It’ll all get back to them with a vengeance.

judy ellickson
judy ellickson
6 years ago

I believe Tommy has to have bodyguards, due to death threats from the islamists in the uk. Hence, “Big Red”.
Tommy is a Hero.

Michael Jones
Michael Jones
6 years ago

He looks really traumatised, I have met him a few times some years back and he has definitely been mis-treated. The UK government are one of the most corrupt in the world, rife with pedophiles all covered up by Tony Blair with schedule ‘d’ notices using national security as an excuse, included in this is the husband of Theresa May. They murdered many people who spoke out against the lies of the Iraq war and the Jimmy Saville child sex supply was blamed on just him whereas he was a fixer for the ‘elite’.. Now the government are all being blackmailed by the muslims (including the gang mentioned in this) who supplied them with children for sex and filmed it all.

6 years ago
Reply to  Michael Jones

You hit the nail on the head. His fight against the muslimislation of England was tolerated to a point but once he stepped into paedophilia, sex slaves, and grooming gangs in the muslim world and the lack of police action it got too close to the Saville story. My bets are on MPs being involved in the grooming gangs and too much interest and those MPs will be found out.

6 years ago
Reply to  Michael Jones

Wow. Do you know or are you speculating that the UK elite are being blackmailed? In the states, it’s called being ‘brownstoned.’ But it didn’t cross my mind as the reason why the UK is so light on muslim crime…

Michael Jones
Michael Jones
6 years ago
Reply to  jimmer

Anyone with a working Neurone in the UK has seen the blatant cover ups by the Pedophile supporting police. Politicians are so deep in this they allow Muslims to get away with anything. Just look up Muslims in Luton UK on you tube, Many years ago a politician named Enoch Powell made a speech called the river of blood speech, look it up, he predicted exactly this. Also watch this it will shock you from 1967 and you will then know for sure what is happening

6 years ago
Reply to  Michael Jones

I shall. Thanks.

6 years ago
Reply to  jimmer

Am going with an educated guess. Watched many documentaries on adults that were abused as children in the UK. Their stories are full of coverups by police.
What happens when the momentum of the wave rises to a point of no return?
Like a cornered feral dog…. will attack when it feels there is no way out.

6 years ago
Reply to  Michael Jones

… Michael Jones, sadly I believe you may be correct and the likes of British and Swedish govt’s are involved in some kind organised crime racket of selling children for growing Foreign Debts … The Foreign Debts that Western Nations are racking are are never going to go away – but of course mainstream media down here in Australia has never mentioned anything about what Tommy Robertson or what is going on in Sweden..

Michael Jones
Michael Jones
6 years ago
Reply to  MJ1976

I think you will find Oz and NZ are more controlled than the UK or USA.

6 years ago

Tommy represents why Trump and Brexit won and why the world has been put on notice. It’s gone too far, succumbing to the grind of progressivism. His treatment shows that the UK has plunged into a civil dystopia. The guy will be even more dangerous to them when he lawyers up and sue them all to kingdom come.

Michael Jones
Michael Jones
6 years ago
Reply to  jimmer

I do not live in the UK any longer; it makes me sad to see but english people just sit back and let stuff happen. They let the public school assholes (arseholes) run their lives. They should have known when Tony Blair turned out to be a traitor…he killed Robin Cook who spoke out, they tried to kill George Galloway who spoke out they killed David Kelly who said no WMD’s. They are all involved with the Pedophiles: from the Royal family down. Princess Di knew, they killed her. Did you know the Royal family took thousands of orphaned children form Canada years back and they disappeared? Did you know Prince Andrew was best buddies with pedo Epstein (Billy the rapists buddy) ? Oh, and did you know Canada belongs the the UK? Watch that dumbass Trudeau’s inauguration speech. He swears allegiance to the CROWN. What you don’t get is and having lived in the Middle East is that MUSLIMS do what they are told, an obedient society and they breed like rampant Rabbits… more people to pay tax. Did you know that the Rockefeller foundation supported the 60’s Women’s lib movement because as he said ” only half the population paid income tax”. It is all about money!
Again: watch this and repost

6 years ago

I watched it last night. I felt exactly the way you did. It was painful to watch. I just wish Fox news had not cut Tucker off so Tommy could have his whole say. It was pretty IMPORTANT!

Dena Sewell
Dena Sewell
6 years ago

My heart goes out to Tommy for all he has endured he is a true hero for standing up for Western Ideas as well as his criticism of Islams archaic / violent ideology and its impact/threat to western culture /society! Could you please do a video on Issacc Kappy….a D list actor who has come out making accusations of pedophilia among Hollywood Legends such as Steven Spielberg,Robert Deniro and Seth Green.I think it is dangerous to just believe Kappy with no evidence..something doesnt seem right but I could be wrong?maybe it is cognitive dissonance that prevents me from believing. Great video and comentary as always !

6 years ago
Reply to  Dena Sewell

I saw him on infowars.
I felt like Jones was trying to get info out of him in a specific way but Kappy wanted to get a story out that maybe he didn’t know exactly how to articulate.
It was very unusual

6 years ago
Reply to  Dena Sewell

I’ll add a vote for a Issacc Kappy analysis. He not the greatest spokesman for such serious charges (but I think he’s legit. Mandy?)

Kyle Preston
Kyle Preston
6 years ago

Signed up because your YouTube account is down. Thank you for your work.

Bryton Cherrier
6 years ago

Could you please do a video on Isaac Kappy?
Many people are split if he’s another David Seaman or if he’s the real deal.

Shawn Murphy
Shawn Murphy
6 years ago

If Kappy is a fake, he could win some major acting awards some day. But I am an amateur compared to Mandy.

6 years ago

I knew for sure they would kill him, im so glad i was wrong!

6 years ago

Americans should take heed of what has happened to Tommy and prevent globalism, PC, corruption, unrestrained immigration and culture destruction from destroying their country and negating free speech. Thanks, Mandy- the before and after comparison was particularly revealing. Well done.

Marcia Coffey Turnquist

This is one of your best analyses yet–from picking up on the weight loss and stumbling while he walked to the differences in his face from two years ago, to the PTSD connections (particularly his face when he talks about the spit and excrement). You are truly gifted at reading body language. As to Tommy Robinson’s situation: what he went through is an outrage. I can’t imagine there aren’t political ramifications in the UK.

6 years ago

I came close to not watching this one because I knew I’d get upset. It was depressing to watch. It had to be even more depressing to analyze. So, I do thank you, Mandy, for having the fortitude to do it.

Being a newer member here, I have a question about the (3 so far) down votes on some of the comments. I understood when one of my comments on another post was voted down. The reason was obvious. What I don’t understand is why were (3 so far) comments on this post voted down, without any reply or explanation. In my case, the reason was clear. In this case, it isn’t, at least to me. Does someone know who can explain what I’m missing?

Shawn Murphy
Shawn Murphy
6 years ago

TUNA DAILY = MERCURY POISONING! What did they inject his fruit with? Tommy looks terrible. 1 or 2 cans of White – Albacore Tuna a month is @ the limits of mercury toxicity. Light – Skipjack Tuna has 3x’s less mercury toxicity than Albacore Tuna simply because of the short lifespan of harvested Skipjack Tuna.
Fish oil enhances weight loss, so eating 1 can of tuna a day & 1 piece of fruit is an anorexic diet. A diet high in mercury consumption & poisoning.
Tommy also needs massive micronutrient super nutrition to improve detoxification & provide the nutrition he needs…


Michael Jones
Michael Jones
6 years ago
Reply to  Shawn Murphy

The best detox for heavy metals is Borax. It is not just washing soda, that is how it is marketed. it absolutely REMOVES toxic heavy metals from the body, Everything else I agree with.

Shawn Murphy
Shawn Murphy
6 years ago
Reply to  Michael Jones

Thank you, I was not aware that it was safe for human consumption… I mix it with sugar at a 3 :1 ratio & a few drops of water to kill off an ant invasion. IT WORKS FOR THAT REAL WELL… I also use it as is to prevent & or kill off any roaches, they eat it like the ants & take it back to the nests & it kills em off. I use it in laundry also, but I will look into this for sure… Thank you for your reply.
