Body Language – Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Congress Candidate

Body Language - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Congress Candidate

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6 years ago

Pretty scary stuff. This is the new leadership of one of our two major political parties. Obama sure did wreck the DNC. Tisk-tisk.

6 years ago
Reply to  jimmer

Obama did his best, with lots of help from Hillary and Soros, to make sure Saul Alinsky lives on to destroy our country and our values. Very scary stuff, indeed!

6 years ago
Reply to  Nonna

Damn right. Obama and crew were exactly the wrong remedy for our financial woes. Thank you, DNC.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mr No Name

Thank you! I will look for it. EWTN aired an excellent documentary two weeks before the 2016 presidential election (no coincidence there), “A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing”, about Alinsky. Here’s a link for the trailer:

6 years ago

You can’t take anyone seriously when they use that shimmy shake flutter the eyelids during the whole conversation…. every woman knows that looks alone can only take you so far.

6 years ago
Reply to  Cat

except for this dingbat

Keith Stevens
Keith Stevens
6 years ago

Watching this young huckster in training removes any doubt that voter fraud is real and alive.

M. How
M. How
6 years ago
Reply to  Keith Stevens

Excellent point!!!

6 years ago

Totally on target with this again. Holy cow! This is one scary interview, because I feel she is similar to Pelosi. (uh uh uh, and stopping to think of what will work when she talks – similar?) Anyone else feel this too?

6 years ago
Reply to  ls

Oh yeah.

Erica Watkins
Erica Watkins
6 years ago

I would LOVE to see this woman in front of the camera with President Trump face to face and see her schooled on economics until she is reduced to a pile of goo.

Cheryl Johnson
Cheryl Johnson
6 years ago
Reply to  Erica Watkins


Holly Bell
Holly Bell
6 years ago
Reply to  Erica Watkins

Erica agreed shed pee her diapies! ☺️

Amanda Hontier
Amanda Hontier
6 years ago
Reply to  Erica Watkins

make sure she empties her pocket/wallet/purse before meeting with potus.
Also remind him that she cannot be groped…..


Dawn Brown
Dawn Brown
6 years ago

Bam!! you are on always lol You had me laughing about the “wiggle”..

6 years ago

I have been waiting for this one! Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication, what you do is extremely appreciated!

6 years ago

“Most Americans know that our system is not designed for working class Americans to hold office” !? She’s a college grad!?! Oh yeah, that’s right. They don’t teach history any more in our schools. You can thank the deep state for that, not the “system”.

Paula Patio
Paula Patio
6 years ago

ROFL … love, Love, LOVE your body language breakdowns. 🙂 KNEW you’d get to this one the moment I spotted her … Fabulous Job and I get such a kick out of your narrations! EXCELLENT! 🙂

Beth Lampron
Beth Lampron
6 years ago

She said that on her mother’s side she was the first person to go to college. HER FATHER WAS AN ARCHITECT!!!! She grew up in Westchester county. She’s portraying herself to be underprivileged.

Mandy thanks for this video.

M. How
M. How
6 years ago
Reply to  Beth Lampron

Yes. She grew up in a privileged family. She is lying by omission. But, because she has Hispanic origins the working poor will believe she is a poor woman who has climbed her way to the top.

Julie Scheffler
Julie Scheffler
6 years ago

Thank you for making a video of her. I’ve missed watching your videos, they are always so interesting.

6 years ago

Another shape-shifter. I can just see Joe Biden (a true racist, by the way) make another live mike surprise comment about how clean she looks and how well spoken she is for a Hispanic candidate. Thanks for the analysis of her ridiculous portrayal. I worry though, that younger voters who have been brainwashed by their socialist professors, will be taken in by the Commie promises of Medicare For All and Guarenteed Income. Hopefully those of us who know better can educate them on the Thatcher Princple. ” The only problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people’s money.” Loved it when she went full blown Farkas. Now when I see somebody do that I have to resist the urge to jump back, thanks to your teaching.

6 years ago

If you ever voted for this dim wit you are sick.

6 years ago

Pelosi needs to part her hair better.

Jilmary Clowers
Jilmary Clowers
6 years ago

Would you consider doing a Body Language Study of the interview of Tom Hanks as he discusses Harvey Weinstein, etc…

M. How
M. How
6 years ago

Yes, Mandy, please. Saw Kappy last night on another live stream. Wasn’t looking for it — it just popped up. This is just heartbreaking. Also see videos from McAllisterTV about spirit cooking, pedophilia, Podesta emails, etc. Unbelievable what goes on and ESPECIALLY who is involved. Watch the video she produced on Jeffrey Epstein’s Island. You need a really strong stomach for that.

shawn zabrocki
shawn zabrocki
6 years ago


Cherian Jacob
Cherian Jacob
6 years ago

When I saw her reaction to her victory over Joe it pretty much summed up who she is. I agree with everything you say Mandy. The only thing is that no one can undermine anyone, and we don’t know to what extent her victory, however far it goes, is purely because of her message or to serve as a proxy for establishment Democrats.

M. How
M. How
6 years ago
Reply to  Cherian Jacob

Both. In NYC no one gets on the ballot without the approval and financial backing of the Democratic Party. Thus, Duh Blazio.

6 years ago

If someone isn’t honest about their upbringing then they’re not going to be honest in representing you. This is not a trustworthy person.
Also, she’s a dolt. Starts her sentences with “I mean” but it’s the 1st thing she’s said on a topic.

These people learn this in college, eh?

6 years ago
Reply to  Luxx

but she showed us her diploma :crying:

M. How
M. How
6 years ago
Reply to  Mandy

LOL! What a joke.

Kitty Brendell
Kitty Brendell
6 years ago

I tried viewing this video on Ocasio-Cortez and got a grey screen with an icon that looks like a torn piece of paper, and the video will not play.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mr No Name

I got a notice on my Mac, clicked it, and it took forever for your page to load. Not sure why…

Darren Cruse
Darren Cruse
6 years ago

My comment seems to have disappeared yesterday I posted asking if anyone besides me felt this was overly harsh?

(isn’t body language analysis meant to be serious/professional/objective undertaking? yet the video starts off with an insult calling AOC a dingbat? did anyone notice besides me that doesn’t seem professional?)