Body Language – Jim Jordan, Bret Baier and Jim’s Accuser


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6 years ago

You know that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when you realise that the conspiracy theory matches reality just a little bit too much and that the conspiracy theory was so far out that it could not possibly ever come true but it did? Well that is the feeling I have!

I had not heard of this recent development and as you did your analysis and the tragedy was explained I actually cried…. ?☹

My heart breaks for Jim Jordan, I’m concerned for Gowdy and other Senators fighting for truth, I am worried for Hannity, and if anything happens to Trump I fear for America…..

If you didn’t know whether to believe in good and evil fighting for control this would make believe.

6 years ago
Reply to  Cat

Dear Cat, what happens to America is not up to Trump, Gowdy, Jordan and other brave heroes. What happens to America is up to each and every one of us. WE are America.

6 years ago
Reply to  ReadU

I think Cat is concerned about a tipping point. There is a lot of rational mistrust of people/entities in the United States and the whole world. Are we just a giant banana republic. Banana republics go to war with themselves.

6 years ago
Reply to  Cat

Exactly right. It is war. Some know it, some are awakening to it and others don’t know yet but will soon. What the craven leftists will do to knock out anybody that threatens their hold on power has no moral limits. They have played their ace cards and they are no longer working. As time goes on they are becoming more desperate and frantically keep trying to play them, emotional distortions of reality about the border and “the children”, now a sexual abuse scandal , that in the past would have resulted in resignation. I pray that Jordan is strong enough to weather the storm and starts fighting back even harder. You are right, Cat, it is good versus evil. Hannity carries. If they don’t Jordan, Gowdy, and Nunes should start. Just look at the body count that followed the rise of the Clintons, or the demise of JFK. Sad but true, this sort of thing is nothing new in America. Only this time, I think more people are getting wise to it.

6 years ago
Reply to  Cat

A war ..for sure.
Even though I sometimes have a hard time with the language I immediately liked Jordan, as well as Gowdy. Some people just dont want to or cannot hide their natural self.
This is scary stuff indeed and I/we (some of us) as well as you natives are deeply concerned in this matter. It
s “funny” how things seemes to be synchronized and soon the only thing that makes any sense is the conspiracy theory.

” if anything happens to Trump I fear for America”
And I for the world ✌️

6 years ago

That is so damn sad on many counts but of course especially the death of his nephew. Thanks Mandy.

6 years ago

At the Rod Rosenstein hearing I liked Congressman Jordan, but I am beginning to LOVE this man! Where he’s been in his life, what he’s accomplished, how he is taking the fight to the liberal pencilneck stick- horse riding coward Democrats…and now: this man is shouldering 10,000 pounds of heartache and stress and look at him! He’s a patriot, he’s a gentleman and he’s got courage!!

This man is inspiring! He needs our prayers ?? He will win this battle!

6 years ago

I think we need to acknowledge that we are in a fight. I worldwide fight. The stakes are very very high and the corruption runs very very deep.

6 years ago

And there are some sweet, gullible people saying the deep state doesn’t exist. You have to be blind not to see.
With all the border drama diversion…. that should tell us that there is something at stake for them. I really hope there is some cleaning up happening in the near future….

Jim Reiter
Jim Reiter
6 years ago

The CNN reporter’s stance seemed weird. Very stiff, eyes blinking a mile a minute, then a nod at the end as if to say, “thank you for the work we coached you on, glad this interview is over and now we can run with the accusations”

btw, locker room banter has occurred for eons. Comments like “don’t drop the soap” and so on are not made in seriousness but rather as a general kidding around.

6 years ago
Reply to  Jim Reiter

I went to a girls school and we use to joke “don’t drop the soap ” and if someone did the whole change room would crack up….

Jim Reiter
Jim Reiter
6 years ago
Reply to  Cat

A lot of the ex-jocks* (not pejorative, played hoops myself) have been out of the limelight for years. It was certainly addictive, top of the heap in popularity. So CNN or AP shows up and they see a chance to be in the spotlight again. Out of hundreds of wrestlers they found a few who were willing to say whatever needed to relive past glory:,-ogled-men-for-years

Note that the media NEVER posts interviews of people who disagree with the narrative being pushed. Ever.

Who knows what else drives people to do anything to get their 15 minutee. Ohio State had Art Schlichter who used his football talents to con many, many people ( back in prison again, for the umpteenth time). Character flaws are buried if an athlete can win. Maybe some of those bad apples are resurfacing?

Dawn Brown
Dawn Brown
6 years ago

Thank you so much for this!! You nailed it! I saw some of the things you brought out with Jim but i knew you would see SO much more.And ty for including the other interview with that accuser,The timing of this all is so obvious..this was all days after he went after RR and the resolution passed on the floor.The accuser is so shady! Wonder if the accusers were paid off or threatened.Jim and his family have been threatened, im still wondering about that car crash.You are the best!!

6 years ago

They know Jordan’s nephew’s death was no accident. That’s how evil and sick the men running the FBI have become. Not only are they not above suspicion, it’s impossible to acquit them of motive and opportunity. Bret knows, too. It’s terrifying that our country has come to this.

6 years ago

There is no doubt in my mind that Jim Jordan is wholly innocent of wrong doing he is being accused of. And the timing of the loss of his nephew is highly suspect as well. Frankly, I was nervous for him during the Rosenstein hearing, when rosenstein angrily flung his arm out and pointed at him, glaring and spitting his words. Jordan caught it too, you can see it in his face at the end of his time. Its also why he offered that small concession re: it not being personal. His gut caught a real threat and fight or flight kicked in for a second. I believe the cong.aides who said Rosenstein threatened them. That dude is a traitor. I think he’s going to go down, not Jim.

Al Gray
Al Gray
6 years ago

i keep going back to when OL Chuckey Schumer said how they have 100 way to Sunday to get back at you …

Jana Rade
Jana Rade
6 years ago
Reply to  Al Gray


6 years ago

Thanks, Mandy! Stay strong Great Americans. The emotional meltdowns of the leftists and the craven dishonesty and bias of the press is waking more people up every day and shows that we are winning this fight. As the crazed animal is cornered it will stop at nothing. Jim Jordan and the others deserve our prayers for strength to keep fighting until evil is defeated and the truth is told.

Debbie Madonio
Debbie Madonio
6 years ago

Ahhh, I knew it! Thanks for the confirmation! You are awesome!

Jana Rade
Jana Rade
6 years ago

I’ve been convinced this is a “hit job” the moment I’ve seen the first headline. They ARE picking them off one by one, the most “uncomfortable” ones first. Somebody needs to put their foot down – “Unless you have evidence, I’m not listening to what you have to say,” type of deal.

6 years ago

I saw this interview and was hoping you’d do this one. Jordan is telling the truth. Witch hunt.

6 years ago

Pinning responsibility for questionable behavior of the OSU team Doctor, on Congressman Jordan, is a sick distortion of reality.
1. Jordan himself would not have been targeted by a sexual predator. Jordan was the antithesis of vulnerability.
2. The sexual predator, likely a gay man hiding in his closet: “married” plus, “checking for hernias” was being “a good” Sports Medicine Doctor. The most dangerous predators are very skilled at skating below the radar.
3. The doctor was 26 years older than Jordan and well established at OSU. Already 9 years as the team physician when the 23 year old Jordan joined the coaching staff.
4. Jordan was the lowest level of authority: above him were senior coaches, head coach, athletic director, college administration, and most importantly, the Ohio Board of medical licensure. The buck did not stop with Jordan; plain and simple. Jordan had no direct personal knowledge so what could he be responsible for??

Deneen Riff
Deneen Riff
6 years ago

Excellent work Ms Mandy… u r a very valuable pc 2 this matrix puzzle. It’s the efforts of souls like u, that will make our job much easier. I feel & sense the pain & anger coming from him…he knows they did it. A heavy price, indeed. I feel 4 him.

Red Raines
Red Raines
6 years ago

Maybe a bit out of context exactly here, but referring to the overall game, what video expresses the Trump and Sessions split theory in more detail? I just think that the satellite guys like Jordan really need to begin receiving more in house artillery from a joint combined campaign so that there’s a rally or circling of wagons when something like this happens and they’re not just left out hanging in the wind. Sort of you mess with one bull you get the horns of the rest like minded.

Shawn Murphy
Shawn Murphy
6 years ago

Search GeoEngineering Watch on YouTube. Dane has a former CIA Covert Op retired lifer who gave a 40 minute or so presentation on the ENORMOUSLY VAST Federal Govt alphabet agencies who comprise the Shadow Govt or Deep State, call it what you like, but even the well informed will learn a lot… The former CIA is brave, he fought the CIA in court & won! He wrote a must read book & is trying to AWAKEN the Great Citizens of our Great Country. Everyone needs to understand that we as normal everyday American’s must AWAKE & ARISE, STAND FOR TRUTH & BE NOT AFRAID – BE BOLD & FIGHT FOR OUR CONSTITUTION – IT IS THE SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND. Please go & watch the video & you will then understand more clearly that little time is left. The time to demand the restoration of Our Constitutional Govt is NOW!!! MAY GOD BLESS AMERICA & MAY WE THE PEOPLE REPENT OF OUR SINS, ACCEPT THE ATONEMENT OF JESUS CHRIST, OUR SAVIOUR & THE REDEEMER OF ALL THE WORLD, & MAY WE WITH GOD’S HELP BRING THESE COWARDLY THUGS TO HEAL! For like in The Wizard of Oz – they are little weak power hungry men who sit behind their curtains & drone screens & desks & pull the levers of their power. DRAIN THE SWAMP & MAY GOD BLESS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ~ I CALL BS ON THE ACCUSATIONS AGAINST JORDAN & HIS NEPHEWS DEATH WAS A PURPOSEFUL MESSAGE, “BACK DOWN JORDAN – WE CAN GET TO ANYONE & @ ANYTIME!!! PUT YOUR HEAD DOWN & FIGHT REP. JORDAN – BITE THAT ASS & THROW THEM ALL IN JAIL – DO YOUR DUE DILIGENCE & BE SMART & PROTECT YOUR FAMILY AS MUCH AS YOU CAN, BUT PRESS FORWARD, NEVER WAVERING & ANYONE WHO DIES, LIKE YOUR NEPHEW, THEY WILL HAVE CROWNS OF GLORY PLACED ON THEIR HEADS & HAVE POWER TO AID YOU FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE VEIL We all must stand firm & true & do our part to save Our Republic! My sincere condolences to Rep. Jordan & his family! DOUBLE DOWN & FIGHT HARDER – U HAVE THEM RATTLED & SCARED – FINISH THE JOB HAVE FAITH I DO YE SHALL TRIUMPH!

Julie Hansen
Julie Hansen
6 years ago

I pray Jim Jordan is uplifted in this difficult time….. he’s always impressed me as a stand up guy

William Dunn
William Dunn
6 years ago

Been following all your youtube vids for some time, registered here on your site and happy I did. Your content is important and vital to helping us win the fight, Justice is soon to follow. Thank you.