Body Language – Explosive Rod Rosenstein & Christopher Wray Hearing

Body Language – Explosive Rod Rosenstein & Christopher Wray Hearing

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6 years ago
Reply to  Mr No Name

Rosenstein is a rat…another rat throwing him under the bus, just shows rats are scared.

6 years ago

Great analysis.
I can’t stand that smirk and I detest finger pointing.

What a smug little man.

Wray did look lonely… I wish there was more footage of him while Rosenstein was bring grilled then roasted.

6 years ago
Reply to  Cat

i wish that too. there were a lot of moments that would have been good to see the initial reaction

Jim Reiter
Jim Reiter
6 years ago
Reply to  Cat

Understand that Rod and his lovely partner the Barsoomian are going to drag this out as long as humanly possible (“human” giving them the benefit of the doubt)

What is it that all the swamp creatures dwelling within the Beltway desire? Power? Sure. Money? Of course. Being on the “A-list” at DC cocktail parties? BING-O.

This is the equivalent of taking a middle manager at the DMV and suddenly making him the toast of the DC Universe. What possible incentive would Rod and the Barsoomian have to end this festival of attention?

Who is Barsoomian, you might ask? A quick vid:

The incestuous conflicts of interest within Washington are jaw-dropping. Dare Congress to have the temerity of questioning a career bureaucrat and the mighty finger of self-righteous outrage will be unholstered.

Rod proudly asserts he has 121,000 employees, some working 24 hours a day (show me ONE) to settle this mess. In fact, Rod wants nothing more than to ride this into retirement. He has no boss. He has nobody to answer to. After the American Inquisition ends, who on earth wants to invite him to a soiree and hear him pontificate?

This is his 15 minutes and he’s doing his darndest to turn it into his 15 years.

The more videos of him being billy bureaucrat bobbing and weaving and pointing that get out there, the better. Somebody needs to make a “Rod’s greatest hits” compilation, showcasing his disdain for, well, everyone.

Kyle Bishop
Kyle Bishop
6 years ago

This guy is a slimy weasel.

Fee Kissane
Fee Kissane
6 years ago
Reply to  Kyle Bishop

add snivelling

6 years ago
Reply to  Fee Kissane

and has unchecked power so far

6 years ago
Reply to  Fee Kissane

He’s also a predator, w/enough power to destroy the country.

Stacey Michaels
Stacey Michaels
6 years ago
Reply to  learntoswim

Not any more, thank G O D.

Marianne Rodgers
Marianne Rodgers
6 years ago

Stacey Michaels — Like your sentiment, but so far RR does still have the power to destroy our country. I can’t but hope and pray very hard that our chicken, do nothing congress, will impeach him. He is a snake like President Trump so aptly described when he was running for President. Wray is more quiet, but is no better. Destroy the country for their “careers.”

Stacey Michaels
Stacey Michaels
6 years ago

Hi Marianne,
Time will tell. He certainly is evil!!

6 years ago

A smirking, arrogant pencil neck SOB. This was one of your best, Mandy and well worth the time. I have been saying that this butt cheek clenching, lying sack of human waste is at the center of the coup attempt for months. He is dirty as you can get and thinks he has Trump by the short hairs because of the Mueller farce. The President should fire his bouncing ass tomorrow, or better yet order him to release the records, and when he refuses can him immediately. Thanks for the great analysis! And he does look like Heinrich Himmler too.

6 years ago
Reply to  GOMF3602

“pencil neck” ???? brings a smile to my face and fond memories of college days many years ago!

Perfect: “Rod PENCIL NECK, SOB Rosenstein”

6 years ago
Reply to  ReadU

Thanks-we are probably the same vintage, but I can’t think of anybody who fits the term better.

angela villali
angela villali
6 years ago

Mandy, thanks so much for doing this. Makes it easier to watch these slimballs. You help us so much. Thank you. Do you think any of these POS will actually go to jail?

6 years ago
Reply to  angela villali


Stacey Michaels
Stacey Michaels
6 years ago
Reply to  angela villali

I do.

6 years ago

Finger pointing is the equivalent of drawing a sword. Thank you Mandy for this body language video lesson. Watching Trey Gowdy with the position of his right hand, it appears as if he’s so frustrated and angry at these people he’s pointing a gun at himself. Because this whole thing is insane.

Lauri Barnett
Lauri Barnett
6 years ago
Reply to  Galileo

I hadn’t thought about the pointed finger in that way before. It fits to a T, though! It comes up so fast, just like a sword being drawn in anger! I felt really awful for Gowdy, Gaetz, and Jordan…..they were putting up with a pile of Schiff, for sure (the word “Schiff” automatically capitalizes on my autocorrect!! HAHA That is fitting, somehow!!).

Cheryl Cooper
Cheryl Cooper
6 years ago

Fantastic report! What a jerk even a novice should be able to read him because he is pure EVIL. Thanks.

Susan Wachtel
Susan Wachtel
6 years ago

Golly…this positively painful! Rod Rosenstein thinks he’s getting with all his garbage. He’s rude, disrespectful, smug and arrogant.

Paul Brinkerhoff
Paul Brinkerhoff
6 years ago

Narcissist Rosenstein knows so much more about what happened. He considers this matter well beneath him. He envisions himself of far superior to all that question him. His defensive evasive words and body language are not that of an innocently and deeply concerned of this matter. If he were truly concerned about getting to the bottom of this, he wouldn’t be coming across like this. For somebody in charge he sure is wildly unattached and clueless. And tragically, he is running the entire show, his way. And that is so infuriating. This investigation should have never started or ended long ago.
He has negative respect for any oversight.

6 years ago

Awesome video.
My understanding of this is only to get people so angry and distracted. That so caught up in the frenzy we forget the power of our worth, ability to effective pray, meditate, etc.

I still give my focus to the improvement of President Trump. I appreciate all the wonderful strides he has made.
Remember we are so much more powerful then we understand.
Shining a light on goodness and the darkness show me what needs improving.

Jana Rade
Jana Rade
6 years ago

I guess that’s what it looks like when you’re working for the deep state.

Gayll Worboys
Gayll Worboys
6 years ago

Love your opinions from Australia & have been following you since before the election. Saw part of this today and both say they are not Democrats. I laughed & laughed again.

Jordan S (End Usary)
6 years ago

Are people aware that Wray reports to Rosenstein? Rosenstein is Wray’s boss.
The panel should have played this differently, by asking questions like: “Are you aware that its estimated, that 90% of congress is involved in bribery corruption kickback schemes? What are you doing to address this? Do you think its an especially dangerous fact, in light of all the foreign powers like China, Muslim Brotherhood, etc, who want to do harm to the United States? What can we do to assure the American people that the integrity of their government is holding strong against such corruption? Why then are you investigating a non-politician for foreign corruption with Russia, when there are probably many more possibilities of corruption with those who have been in D.C. the longest. China has hundreds of more spies than Russia; why are we focusing so much on Russia, when the Muslim Brotherhood has hundreds of organizations all working to undermine the U.S.?

6 years ago

Thanks Mandy! Very illuminating. RR is like a bully about to get an ass-kicking: swaggering around shaking hands, getting hugs from pretty women, shit-eating grin and eye rolling. “I’m big, I’m bad, I’m popular.” But his fear broke out when Jordan put the heat on. Trey Gowdy and Jim Jordan: the look in their eyes! They’re struggling with the beast and they’re both showing some fatigue. Intense, furious and serious like they are staring down a dragon from the pit of hell and all mankind is at stake. They’re fully engaged in this battle until the end. God bless them!
If there is a face to the malevolent left internal snakes, it is that bearded dude sitting behind RR; that’s the one doing Rod’s dirty work. He’s the mysterious “redacting” henchman. He’s the one literally covering Rod’s six. He’s arrogant and he likes being important to the boss. He’s full-tilt, in his resistance to draining the swamp.
Gaetz was awesome.

6 years ago


6 years ago

Open-mouthed with the amazing analysis. And frankly, scared of the road we are traveling on at this point. This was the most riveting analysis yet. Thanks!

6 years ago

Mandy, it just occurred to me how useful your body language interpretation and commentary could be highly sought by those who are blind. Have you thought about marketing to those who cannot see? Just a thought I had while watching this.

Lelouch Di Britannia
Lelouch Di Britannia
6 years ago

When will it be uploaded on bitchute? And do you think your youtube channel will ever come back?

6 years ago

upload to bitchute shortly…no the channel isnt coming back… my partner does upload snippets to body language ghost

6 years ago
Reply to  Mandy

I know i have seen him…but i have not listened to him

6 years ago
Reply to  Mandy

What is bitchute

Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson
6 years ago

This man is trapped, in a corner…he is starting to figure it out…but has no choice, he has to fight. Oh I think he thinks he is above the fray….but the worry is starting to show up…otherwise why would he get angry? If he was completly untouchable, he would be laughing during the portions of the hearing that has high emotions…..I still think rats know when the ship is starting to sink…

charles ward
charles ward
6 years ago

OUTSTANDING! Well done analysis!

Ursula Leach
Ursula Leach
6 years ago

I am not really sure if I am reading body language, but I seem to feel it when I watch and this guy brings up feelings of disgust and corruption all the time. I watched this whole segment and I just felt he was lying. Not sure if this is something in my sub-conscious, I do know I did not get involved with body language until about 3-4 years ago when I developed a bit of an interest in it, yet I didn’t study it. Your explanations feel 100% correct to me.