Body Language – Elizabeth Holmes First CGI interview?


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6 years ago

I see a line across her collarbone on my monitor. does anyone else? another thing: let’s not forget this psychopath drove one of their scientists to suicide, and she promptly threatened the man’s wife with legal action. I see her as one of the most dangerous people to operate in the past few years. even if the box had been blocked in the U.S., I guarantee it would have been sold to third world countries, lies about results and all, and she wouldn’t have blinked at diseases going undiagnosed, after all, it would be just poor people getting screwed over would be the attitude. And I say this because of so many instances when pharma companies have been cold busted selling drugs banned in the west or selling generics with no medicine in them and when caught saying who cares, it was just Africans or Indians. She is barred from serving on boards or leading any company in an executive capacity for a number of years by the SEC, but they should really make certain she doesn’t relocate to another country and try this scheme there.

6 years ago
Reply to  Brigid

My conclusion was psychopath also.
I can see how she suckered in the likes or Rupert Murdoch because he would not have seen the female psychopath coming…..

Carl Warren
Carl Warren
6 years ago
Reply to  Brigid

Yeah I see it, it looks like it goes all the way to an ear piece that she has, I don’t know what that is

6 years ago

She does the same “move only the lower lip” thing and “don’t blink not ever” thing that Zuckerberg does. The resemblance is uncanny.

Ray SideCarDude
6 years ago

Botox! They use it for Tourette’s to completely stop facial Tics, or like ya said, CGI.

6 years ago

Yep. I think botox. I don’t watch many Hollywood movies and when I do the botox face of the men and women without expression don’t match the acting and it really bothers me.

I love cry face and angry face when the scene demands it the actors just can’t do it any more.

6 years ago

Yeah but she is early 30’s, but sure is strange; that mask face. Maybe Botox also restricted her extra ocular movement? It’s odd. Very odd.

6 years ago

Of course, botox lowers your ability to empathize with others. Which is a bit psychopathic. Of course, in her industry that is the norm. Never, ever, take their death pills. Mother nature can cure everything easily.

6 years ago

I became a phlebotomist around the same time as this company launched and there was lots of talk in the lab about how there was no known ability to use such a small abount of blood for so many tests. If there was it would have been a godsend to those patients with collapsed veins where only a ml or two was able to be collected.

It goes to show that if big business backs a service people tend not to question it.

Ragu Man
Ragu Man
6 years ago

Theranos sounds like an evil company. If they want to destroy the world they should probably change their name

Todd Pullara
Todd Pullara
6 years ago
Reply to  Ragu Man

When you say it, it sounds like “Thanos”. Go figure.

6 years ago

A quick Google search reveals that the voice is an act. Possibly to sound more authoritative. The black turtleneck seems to be a trademark like Zuck’s hoodie.

6 years ago

Strange. My thoughts exactly as I listened the first time with sound muted. Unusual voice – deeper than expected (unisex?) and a cadence that reminded me of Obama; a “doll’s eyes” stare…literally can see the sclera 360 around the iris and very restricted in range of motion, totally unlike typical eye movements as the brain accesses different areas.

We are all different and I don’t want to sound unkind but this individual seems several standard deviations from the norm. A still shot and she’s attractive. But watching her in conversation is totally creepy.

6 years ago

I was thinking Botox/Trans as well, but it is very weird. The crazy looking bulging eyes also freak me out.

Sylvia Smith
Sylvia Smith
6 years ago

Actually the more I look at this creature I think it is a gender neutral AI bot

6 years ago

Full damage control mode. Very calculated and controlled, some might call: robotic.

6 years ago
Reply to  jimmer

Oh, I watched the video posted below (thanks). It turns out she’s a complete fraud. Wow.

Sylvia Smith
Sylvia Smith
6 years ago

Elizabeth Holmes is a TRANNY – it is so obvious SHE used to be a HE which is why HE is wearing turtle necks – to hide his very large MALE ADAMS APPLE IN HIS NECK

6 years ago
Reply to  Sylvia Smith

I was also thinking trans with the deeper voice.

Marie Pappas
Marie Pappas
6 years ago


6 years ago

Someone once told me to believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see. That was before CGI.

6 years ago

I would pay top dollar for “it” to say “Hasta La Vista Baby”, “Come with me if you want to live!” and “I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle. “

Gabriela Maza
Gabriela Maza
6 years ago

I think she might be using CGI too. Just to be sure I watched other videos of her. She does wear black turtlenecks, and her eyes are really big which she always has wide open, she rarely blinks (odd), her voice is that low, and she has much more body movement than in this video. In the interview that I watched, she was face to face with the interviewer and she did have facial movement; her cheeks moved, the bags under her eyes move too (she does have them, in this video you can’t see them), and she tends to move her head down. This reminds me of the CGI helmet that Hollywood uses to make actors look younger, like Jeff Bridges in Tron 2. Great video!

6 years ago
Reply to  Gabriela Maza

that kind of tech would make sense…

6 years ago

Is it just me or do the eyes and voice look and sound like Mark Suckerbergers eyes and voice.

Also GANs and Ai Tech maybe at work here.

6 years ago

Kinda reminds me of Elon Musk.. Maybe they’re both rockin early versions of neuralace.

Todd Pullara
Todd Pullara
6 years ago

Sorry, but, What the actual frick? The voice doesn’t match the face, and the muscles don’t work at all. Something smells rotten in Denmark. Something is just freakin’ off here.

6 years ago

Here is some closure: Theranos is shutting down amid revelations of fraud.

Todd Pullara
Todd Pullara
6 years ago
Reply to  Joshua


6 years ago

CGI aka Clinton Global Initiative.

When Mandy said FIGUREHEAD it made sense to me — I might add, a figurehead that did not know she was a figurehead in the beginning and sort of suspects now but not sure?? Because she’s never known anything different. Naive?? She was something like 20 years old when she started Theranos, dropped out of Stanford, her parents allowed her to use her college money for startup instead of earning the degree–that’s a HUGE risk to take in the biomedical start-up world. Unless, that is, the R&D team knew something she didn’t and had a surreptitious plan of their own. Powerful people on Theranos board during startup, who seemed to, at the time, just come up out of the woodwork.

To what extent does context effect body language interpretation? Living in the left brain, biomedical startup, scientific patents world can ‘disfigure’ some at an odd level. Highly intelligent, low on social cue responses–in that world, it begins to seem normal. The biomedical research community watched Theranos progress as a ‘disruptive’ technology and an example of ‘stealth research’ meaning she developed a product but never published in peer reviewed journals. This pisses off mainstream science b/c she thumbed her nose at their dogma club–she didn’t pay her dues, the way they see it. The fall of Seranos has always seemed to me like sabotage from inside. The things for which it has been criticized and prosecuted are petty, taken out of context, and not at all negligent compared with the industry as a whole (although the entire industry is fraught with error). Her demeanor, mild-ish ASD (sort of Asperger’s) + some sort of medication to correct a condition that elicits social stigma, not health threatening (someone mentioned tic control). Effects of a pharmaceutical used as a sort of cosmetic correction or plastic surgery for the personality??

Here’s a Ted talk from the early days (just a clip, I can’t seem to find the entire talk):

Also see another body language analysis (analyst concludes she’s lying about the technology): (check out Bill Clinton cameo very near the end).