Youtube removed this video.. then they reinstated it themselves. Now they have terminated my account for a video THEY reinstated.
It seems not even youtube understand their community guidelines, so how are their users supposed to know ‘whats allowed’?
One of the previous strikes that was on my account was for the below video..
This was a video of a documented false testimony. Stating my opinion relating to FACTS has made me an ‘outlaw’ at Youtube.
They have essentially cut me off from my audience of nearly 300,000 Youtube subscribers on a whim.
My reach is now very limited, so I would appreciate people sharing this..
Received your notification as I was watching YouTube. There will be consequences for Google for across the board censoring of alternative news sources like this. Many of the other commentators I follow are saying the same thing and I have accounts on other platforms, where they post content.
Have you considered reaching out to these other (alt) news sources and commentators? People like Stefan Molyneux, or Mike Cernovich?
You’re too good at what you do to be kept down long.
i will do that now…thank you Mark…yes youtube is ridiculous
We’ve tweeted those guys..
Damn google/youtube! 👿
I’m sorry to hear this I’ve “Subbed” to the Chrome notification thing so I still get notified when you do something on your website.
Just sent @teamYouTube a twitter message and they asked for the URL of your YoutTube site … which I didn’t have because you’re banned! real slick of them…
So sorry Mandy! It’s disgusting! Get the ones they are afraid to censor, to cover you. I bet that will influence reinstating because they only do this where they think they won’t get caught. People (your viewers) please make comments in the Zuckerberg videos about censoring Bombards Body Language – or comment in any other videos that’s get high viewing on censoring. Tucker Carlson who has network reach would be great to interview you and some others. Expose them!!
Hello, I just registrered the web to comment on this. I HATE youtube for doing this, they are such an hypocrites, I remember when Youtube had no ads and we were all like oh? They are putting ads on youtube now? Youtube is so corruped, it happened gradually over time. Please do something about this, you deserve more than this, and your experience should be heard.
Thank you Raul.. we’re trying!
What about SteemIT and DTube?
It’s a BlockChain Social Media Platform apparently owned by the community. (I’d follow you on there and it’s make me spend more time on that platform then FB which I’m really wanting to delete now too)
@Mandy do you still believe Hogg was a high-school student considering?
Use this:
The Service may contain links to third party websites that are not owned or controlled by YouTube. YouTube has no control over, and assumes no responsibility for, the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third party websites. In addition, YouTube will not and cannot censor or edit the content of any third-party site. By using the Service, you expressly relieve YouTube from any and all liability arising from your use of any third-party website.
So many channels on YouTube have been going through the same thing as you already know. Everyone that is leaving YT is scattered among different platforms. I hope a new one rises to the top soon where everyone can start gathering at the same place. Makes me sick to know some of the videos I’ve seen when I’ve gotten to the dark side of YT by chasing the rabbit down the hole within 2 or 3 clicks, yet they are allowed to remain on YT. Total craziness.
i wonder though if it would be just a good idea to be in many places….as its harder to snuff out so many in all areas
If that were to happen you need a good way to ‘aggregate content’ into a feed. A bit like RSS/readers.. trouble is RSS is less popular now..
I have my fav commentators webpages bookmarked on two differet browser types and allowed push notifications. I never did that before the mass ban. I also support them on Patreon.
I would actually prefer to direct deposit or Paypal but I want to get the Patreon awards….
I have reclaimed my viewing choices and taken it out of the hands of the left.
Thanks Cat..
Looking forward to the next class if I can stay up late enough! 🙂
I think I discovered the reason for the Hoggwash again.
Apparently he tried to #Memewar with the right. We all know the left can’t meme!
I bet it got so bad he called his Soros sponsor and EVERYONE got banned again.
I think you may be right on that Cat.. hopefully the person who reviews Mandy’s appeal will be at least moderately sane..
Tbh.. I’m kind of wondering where the conservative politicians are.. do they not realise they stand to lose to?
I know they have asked a few questions in congress.. but they haven’t been anywhere near strong enough imo.
If anything.. I think Trump needs to give youtube the same twitter treatment he gave the NFL.
Tommy Robinson is in jail…. the media is almost silent… I don’t give a dam about the gag order because now they are jailing people we may as well prepare for civil war. If Tommy is hurt or killed in jail previous riots will look like picnic in comparison.
The politicians in all countries are scared that if they speak out their little secrets might leak…. or even unjustified allegations and receive trial by leftist media.
I honestly think it is a matter of people getting off the social media grid.
When Mandy gets back on YT she really needs to push this website like the other creators do.
Have an exclusive content option here where she pushes the boundaries. Do kids, teens, old people…. make us laugh because humour is what will draw people here.
I kept watching Mandy’s channel because I would laugh at her brilliant and funny commentary that left me feeling good. Creepy Joe Biden was a perfect example.
I’m off on a 4hr drive to see a dr… oh the joys of rural/regional life.
Hopefully she gets her channel back but who knows now with youtube..
Apparently Tommy had 5k people outside the jail protesting.
Take care, hope all goes well with dr! 🙂
One other idea – someone put YT videos up that “review” your new videos – with a click here for the uncensored content 🙁
Thanks TruthSeeker for your ideas. I hope the bigger youtube names will sound the alarm.. as it’s in everyones best interest who value freedom of speech. Mandy has tweeted them.. but of course it’s memorial weekend, so internet is pretty quiet.
Regarding making videos to put on youtube and reviewing.. that doesn’t sound like a bad idea! 😎
Just to add a comment about that video:
There are various types of fake.
There is fake fake, as in everyone pretending something happened and nothing happened w/ crysis actors.
Then there is false flag fake, as in something happened, but the people who did it pretend to be someone else.
And then there is controlled fake, not going in depth. keyword MKUltra. Something really happened Perpetrator was controlled. *cough* http://www.intelligence.senate.gov /sites/default/files/hearings/95mkultra.pdf
Also: very weird that certain other channels do not have any problem with stuff like this like getting banned/blocked.
I WONDER WHY… maybe those other channels are C_Antrolled.
Mandy, I guess GOOG also doesn’t like it when you remind people of “the babies” and “the incubators” and Hill & Knowlton (biggest PR agency in US back then, who got the job and did the deeds, and weren’t arrested afterwards). In the worst case people may wake up and do some research.
I do not even know what to say. Besides, Fuck YouTube with a Telephone Poll studded with diamond encrusted nails.
I love your videos Mandy they’re super interesting.
Interesting foreshadowing of Hogg there.. I think you might really be onto something with him having a psychological issue and I’m betting we’ll one day find out unfortunately lol
Enabled notifications as well, this termination is beyond messed up. I just clicked on your YouTube channel in my subscription feed because I haven’t seen a video from you in a while… Just to find this shit. I am so sorry, but I’m a huge fan of your content, and I will follow you to whatever platform you choose. Thank you for continuing to produce this type of content.
Yours is the only deeply intelligent voice on YouTube. YouTube is moronic.
I thought the lefts were against censorship, same old double standard as always.Very sad
I am curious to hear any further thoughts on the “boy student” (now that it has come out that he can be found giving multiple crisis interviews aka. “crisis actor”), as you had mentioned his behaviors were not similarly immature like what was seen in the two girls giving their accounts of the event. Has that information at all changed your reading of body language regarding some of the statements the girls made (ie. 2 shooters)? (This question is not asked with means to disrespect or imply discredit towards you or your practice. I am just curious.)
I’m so sorry that you got banned from youtube! I really enjoyed watching your videos and seeing all the fascinating things you can learn by just looking at how someone talks!
I just wanted to say that you said it yourself that teenagers aren’t emotionally mature yet and they’re very social people so if that blonde girl’s friends or classmates saw this video they might make fun of her about eating tide pods or something like that. It might really affect her, especially after going through something that should have been a high stressor that she was completely unaware of.
Anyway, that’s just my two cents. Can’t wait to see your future stuff and let me know if there’s something I can do to help you get back on YT!